Page 87 of Reaper Released
“Ready to go?”
“Sure, I'm going to lunch with Pops tomorrow. Will you be okay without me?”
“Yeah, actually, me and Demi are going out with the pas.”
“Perfect. Pops, will you sort it with Scar and let me know what time we’re leaving?”
“I will do, Sunshine. Night, you two!” Leaning in to hug me and shaking hands with Steel, we head out.
“I can’t wait to get you home!”
“Can I actually look around the place? It would be nice to see it, as you’ve put so much work into it?”
“Sure, baby, whatever you want!” Throwing me over his shoulder and smacking my arse, we walk out of the clubhouse and across the steps up to the apartment.
“I can walk by myself, you know.”
“Where’s the fun in that?” He leans over and bites my arse cheek.
“Ow, motherfucker!” And the booming laugh vibrates up through me and seems to resonate between my legs, causing an involuntary groan to slip from my lips.
This causes him to laugh again. “I can smell you now, wife!”
“Then stop laughing, talking, or making any sound while I’m this close. It does all sorts of delicious things to my nether regions!”
He barks out a laugh again. “Steel, fuck!” As we reach the top steps, he puts me down and raises his hands in mock surrender.
Opening the door and stepping in, he says, “Let me show you around while you get your… nether regions under control!”
“Fuck you, arsehole!”
“I love how you say ‘arsehole’ instead of ‘asshole.’ How very British of you.”
I roll my eyes as I walk through the door. “Fucking ridiculous!” I shake my head at him. As we walk through the door, there’s a large kitchen to the left with a generous-sized island in the centre. The cupboards are dark grey, with a lighter grey concrete worktop and grey tiled splash back, the sink is a slate grey, and there's one of those large flexi mixer taps in black. There are four pendant lamps in black over the island and LED downlights under the cupboards and around the baseboards.
I run my hand along the countertops. “These are beautiful!” I open the tall cupboard, where there’s a fridge and freezer built in and a dishwasher. Further along, the floor is wooden floorboards with a pale ash grey finish. To the right, there’s a media centre built into the wall, finished in grey with games consoles and a sixty-five-inch TV fixed to the wall above it. The wall is papered in a matte black/grey wallpaper with velvet skulls. It’s fucking gorgeous. There’s a large black leather sofa in a U-shape facing the TV with a stylish black and grey coffee table in the centre. There are different shades of grey cushions all over the sofa, some have skulls on and a grey fleece thrown over the back of it. “This paper is perfect, Steel. This place is amazing!”
He smiles at me. “I’m glad you like it!”
“I fucking love it, and all the skulls… they’re so… us!” There are two big windows to the front with heavy black floor-length curtains, and there are silver skulls on the ends of the silver curtain poles, with the TV in the centre of the windows. It's so cosy.
At the side of the kitchen is a double sliding door with a round glass table and six chairs around it. In front of them, one of the wedding centrepieces is in the middle of it. There's a built-in washer and dryer on the other side of the kitchen units. Sliding the door back, there’s a balcony that runs the full length of the building that must go over the garage office and store room. Stepping out onto the balcony, there’s a built-in grill to the left and a heavy black metal balustrade with lights built into the floor. Just behind it are two large Victorian-looking lanterns, one side of the doors and another set of doors leading into the master bedroom with the same light fittings on either side.
Steel turns the lights on, and I can see the marquee and seating still erected out to where the wedding was. “It seems like a lifetime ago that we got married, not just yesterday!”
Steel comes up behind me, sliding his arms around me and leaning us both onto the balustrade. “It was the second best day of my life!”
“Ah, yeah, and what was the first?” I smile smugly.
“The first day I met you, when you came barrelling out of that van all bloody and badass, barking orders at everyone, and them all doing everything you said without a second thought. I knew right then and there I would follow you to the ends of the earth.”
Spinning in his arms and reaching up, sliding my hands up the hard planes of his chest over his shoulders and to his face, I lean up and kiss him. “You are my forever, everything I didn’t know I wanted or needed. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I promise to be by your side no matter what!”
As we lose ourselves in more kisses, they start to heat, and when I grab for Steel's waistband, he grabs my wrists.
“Beautiful, at this rate, you’re never gonna see the rest of this place.”
I suggestively grin at him as I flick the button of his jeans open. “I’ve seen much more than I did yesterday. There's always tomorrow!”