Page 93 of Reaper Released
“Fuck I need this!” He grabs me into a bear hug.
“Everything okay?” Shaking his head, he just holds me looking over his shoulder. Demi just looks lost. I wave her to come over, and as she reaches me, I drag her in between Steel and me and pull them both closer.
“What the fuck’s happened?”
They both just squeeze a little tighter. The pas head over to Scar and Pops. As Pa Cade walks past, he grips Steel’s shoulder. “Just a little too much information, I think.”
“You said you were gonna go easy! You said you’d fucking look after them and just give them the basics to get their head around it all first! …What the fuck did you say!”
“Easy, tiger!” Pa Cade raises his hands in defence. “We did the basics, bare minimum!” He glares at me. “It was just a little too much, so we’re taking everything a little steadier than we planned, okay? Now back her the fuck up!” He nods at me, clearly meaning my inner Reaper is showing, but fuck, I’m so protective of these two.
I nod, knowing exactly what he means. Since my dad died, I have stepped fully into his role, his share in the business. I know how lucrative it is, and that’s just the Adventure Centre. I think Pa Cade is saying they don’t know about the other businesses yet! We also share the security business with Pa Bernie, among other not-so-legitimate dealings. Everything’s split equally, so even though Demi and Steel will have to share their cut, it has been sitting there for twenty-three years untouched.
Dad and my pas take a percentage of the profits and put it back into the business accounts, and then a percentage towards our “other ventures,” and then what’s left is split six ways. They don’t take a wage; they just split the profits at the end of the year as they all live on the property. There isn’t really anything they need to spend, so I know what Dad had with interest, they would probably both be getting around six hundred to eight hundred thousand from the Adventure Centre alone.
Demi pulls away first, looking into my eyes with hers glazed over. “Just over a million dollars.” She gasps. “Each!”
Steel looks up at me. “What the fuck, Ray?”
I shrug. "What can I say? I told you I was loaded. The pas are extremely competent businessmen.
“I don’t know what to do with all this information! Or money, or information!” Steel stares through me, barely registering everything.
“Come on, you. I’m taking us all out to dinner, Mr and Miss Moneybags!” Sliding an arm around each of their waists, they just nod and let me lead them over to the restaurant. It’s a smaller Italian place but looks nice from the street. Clapping them both on the back and shoving them through the door, I say, “Welcome to the family!” I laugh out loud.
After eating, I grab a quick word with Pa Bernie. I have a proposition, well, maybe more of an idea I want to run by him. I send Demi back with Steel. I get Scar and Pops to wait for me. After getting back from Ravenswood, I think Demi and Steel could use some time alone together, so I make myself scarce and head to the gym with Roach. After kicking his arse around the gym for two hours, we head inside for a drink. Wearing my cut around this place feels weird. It doesn't feel real.
Ares has said I need to get my ink soon and also attend church to be a fully-fledged member, but with the wedding and everything, it has been a little chaotic. Scar’s in the bar with Beauty. After chatting to the girls, I head up to Ares’s office. It's about time we had a chat about what’s expected of me without the prospecting. I don't feel I have really paid my dues. I knock on the door.
Slinging the door open, I say, “Hey, Boyband!”
I slam the door behind me, heading to the couch and lounging on it.
“Hey Ray, come in. Why don’t you make yourself goddamn comfy!”
“Sarcasm, Ray. Ever hear of it?”
“Erm, I'm not sure, don't think so! You?”
“Fuck, you’re irritating!”
I mock a gasp. “Ouch, wounded!”
“If you weren’t Scar’s sister and Steel's wife, I would totally kick you out of my club!”
“Ha!” I bark out. “Liar! You only just made me a member. You want me for something! What is it you’re after, Boyband?”
“I’m not after anything from you, Ray!”
“Ah, this is about Scar, then! Spill, Boyband. I can’t help if I don’t know what you want! Honesty is always the best way!”
Kicking my feet up on the arm of the sofa and leaning back, I drag a pillow behind my head. “Come on, spill!”
“Fine, but is this a Boyband-Ray or Ares-Reaper conversation?”