Page 36 of Corrupt Shadows
I dip my head lower, making use of the mask and grinding it against her clit. She bucks against me, her back arching. She lets out the smallest moan, then manages to move her arms despite the paralysis, breaking out of it.
Shadows dance from me, wrapping around her wrists to restrain her against the bed. She’s not leaving yet. Doesn’t she know that her fight only makes me want her more?
I can’t fuck her. The attachment can’t go that far. She needs to crave me, to be on the edge of the cliff of desire until she’s so close that I can bend her to my will.
She’s getting close to her release. I need to keep her wanting more. She’s unsatisfied with this life she’s created for herself. She merely needs a taste of the darkness to come looking for more.
I breathe hot air onto her glistening, wet pussy. She pushes herself against my eager mouth, saturating my tongue in her invigorating nectar. As I caress my tongue against her, my eyes close in admiration of her moans.
Nuzzling deeper, I explore the folds of her pussy, thrusting my tongue inside. She rocks herself against my nose and mouth. Her thighs clench around the sides of my face, and I cup her ass, guiding her movements.
Her moans turned to whimpers, earning a low growl from me as the desire to take her continues to build. The sounds she makes fill the room, and she tightens around my tongue. I pull away just as she’s about to come, leaving her on the edge, rocking her hips against the space in front of me.
“Beg,” I order and come up to face her. The moment our gazes clash, my erection grows. Fuck, her eyes pierce my soul. Who knew revenge could be so sweet?
“Never,” she whispers, her breaths uneven.
I bask in the glow of her sweat-slicked body, letting out a low rumble of a groan. I unzip my pants, then grasp my aching erection, and her legs fall apart.
I smirk. “Your body says otherwise.”
She’s not even fighting my shadows. A tug forces me back, my time in the Human Realm fracturing.
I bite my bottom lip. She shakes her head as if this is a dream. “Get out.”
I chuckle darkly. “Make me,” I taunt, feeling the vibration of the room rise as her magic bubbles just under the surface. “Force me out.”
She slides her hand between her legs. No, no, little witch. My shadows grab her hand, and another slides around her throat. “You won’t come until I tell say.” I direct the order, my compulsion slipping through the crevices of her mind. She’s easier to control like this, an unsatisfied puddle on her bed. I climb on top of her and grip her throat myself, taking the place of my shadows. The determination in her eyes and slight curve to her lips as I grip tighter make me want to fuck her here.
Invisible tethers pull me toward the mirror. I have only minutes until I’m ripped off her and back through the mirror. “If you want to come again, you’ll need to do something for me.”
She shakes her head, but I can tell she likes it. Conflict breaks her thoughts into pieces, and I smile sadistically.
“Show me your shadows, little witch, and I’ll make it so you only scream for me,” I promise. My breath hits her neck as I take in one last, deep inhale of her scent, committing it to memory, and climb off her, pissed that I can’t stay longer.
My lip twitches in my reflection as I stare out the mirror into Aiden’s foyer. He whistles to himself in the kitchen, preparing for his shitty human job. He pulls his cap on, then grabs his wallet and keys from the kitchen counter. I grip the mirror frame, my canines protruding through my gums as I glare into the foyer. His light, quick footsteps sound in my ears as he draws closer, iced coffee in hand.
His eyes lock onto mine, and I let out a low growl. My talons slice through my skin, and my eyes darken to black.
“Holy fuck!” Coffee splatters over the mirror and floor as the cup I dropped, along with his keys, wallet, and phone. The screen shatters. I can hear his heart thrumming like a hummingbird in my head, his hand on his chest as he attempts to catch his breath.
“If you can’t keep that tongue from wagging, I will tear it from your mouth.” My jaw tenses as I glare at him and his narrowing blue eyes.
His hands shoot into the air, as if I’m holding a gun to his head. “So, you’re mad. I get it.”
My shoulders tense, and I glide my talons down the glass, sound shrieking through both the human and shadow versions of his apartment. “You have one minute to talk before I end our deal. You can rot in Hell.”
“No, no, please.” He lets out a long exhale and takes a step closer, puffing out his cheeks.
“Fifty seconds.”
“Okay, look, hear me out.” Sweat beads on his forehead, dripping from his light-brown, tousled strands. “It’s not my fault that witch of yours is a psycho. She was going to shoot me. She had a gun, for fuck’s sake.”
If I didn’t loathe her, I would swell with pride. “You told her my name.”