Page 58 of Corrupt Shadows
“I think it’s important to focus on you. Tell me more about these dreams.”
Solomor nods. “Of course. Well, at first he just watched me, but then things got worse. Like I could feel his hands on me even if I couldn’t see him.”
“Did anything else happen? Has he come out of the mirror in these dreams?”
“Just the other night he was—” Solomor stops abruptly and lowers the woman’s face into her hands, her hair acting as a curtain to shield his true feelings.
Oh, he is good. I’m going to enjoy pulling him apart for this little act.
“Go on.” Rosa pulls me back to the session.
“I can’t. It’s so embarrassing.”
“This is a safe space, Stephanie.”
Solomor sniffles and lowers the meat suit’s hands, the jeweled ring on the woman’s index finger glinting from the light on the desk. “He was rubbing his… member above me. Groaning and saying such naughty things. When I woke up, I was so hot and bothered.” The woman blushes, and I scoff. “I came for an appointment today because I don’t know what else to do. I’m terrified he’ll follow through with his threats and put his penis inside me.” She gasps and covers her mouth. “I can’t believe I just said that.”
I growl, baring my teeth at the mirror. Despite everything he’s saying being untrue—he fucking wishes—but he’s acting as if he hasn’t fucked his way through the Shadow Realm —as if the utter idea of sex is a foreign concept.
Rosa presses her lips together, her deep-crimson lipstick creasing. “Take some deep, soothing breaths. In through your mouth out through your nose.”
Solomor does as instructed, pretending to evade his panic attack. I can’t watch much more of this. Mother fucking sleezy demon asshole.
The doctor sets her pen in the crease of her notebook and closes the cover, then holds it against her chest.
“Sometimes giving something a name can be a powerful therapy tool. Do you know the demon’s name?”
“He said his name was Lorcan.”
Her eyes widen. “I… Do you know anything else?”
“He doesn’t talk much. Usually all he cares about is convincing me to play with his…” Solomor says, pointing to his host’s groin. “Sometimes I even… like it.”
I cross my tattooed arms across my chest. As if I would ever let that mother fucker anywhere near my cock.
Rosa sighs. “Don’t feel guilty about becoming aroused by these dreams thrust upon you. Your body is just reacting to the stimuli, and it is perfectly normal.”
“But how do I stop him?”
Her mask of professionalism slips, and she swallows thickly. “Cover up all of the mirrors in your house. You can also try smudging your house with sage. It’s been known to keep lesser demons from sticking around.”
“That’s it? Cover my mirrors and grab some sage?”
The alarm chimes, concluding their little therapy session. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could help more…” Her brows pinch together as she grabs a tissue box instead of the timer, then shakes her head. “Um.” She rubs her forehead and forces a smile, but there’s no wrinkle to the corners of her lips or twinkle in her eyes.
“I’m desperate. I’ve thought about just ending things. Please, help me.”
Rosa gasps and closes her eyes. “I… It’s patient confidentiality. I have the number to a hotline that can help.” She stumbles over each word, her fingers trembling.
Solomor grabs her hands, then looks into her eyes, the woman’s gentle features tight in desperation. “Please. Can you just… tell me the name of who else is seeing the demon?”
Her chest heaves. “I can’t. See, she’s my friend too, but I promise you are not going crazy. I can ask her if she will meet with you.”
“Please,” he says. “Is your friend from here? I’m wondering if the demon in our dreams is linked to this town.”
Her brows knit together and she sighs. “Uh, no she’s from Ashmore. Sorry.”
She squeezes Rosa’s fingers, and I scowl. “Never mind. It was just a theory.”