Page 12 of A Sinful Halloween
“See? Halloween. It is a sign.” She joked as we left.
“What? A sign that it will be a baby from hell?” I said sarcastically as I searched for Dante who was picking us up. I found him a few cars down, leaning against the hood of the car looking sexy in his suit.
“Well. Look at one of the potential fathers.” Elsie said as she nodded at Dante. I laughed as an old lady hurried past him, her eyes taking in the neck tattoos and the clear line of a gun under his jacket.
He grinned at her, tilting his face so she could see the tear-drop tattoo before he snapped his teeth suggestively. The lady gasped, visibly clutching at her neck, and made the sign of the cross before hurrying away.
I sighed but couldn’t hide the smile.
“Okay. So you have a point.” Dante looked over at us, his eyes heating as I walked into his arms. He kissed my neck, hands gripping my ass.
“El Diablo. Did you really have to torment the little old lady?” I teased him and he chuckled.
“Don’t ruin my fun,Hermosa.” He trailed kisses up the length of my neck, my toes curling with hunger.
“So do we have the green light?” He whispered, leaning back to stare into my eyes. I nodded and his grin was a wicked one that promised lots and lots of sex.
“If I didn’t want to face the wrath of Declan and the others for delaying returning their lady, I would bend you over the hood of this car right now.” He purred and I shivered with anticipation.
“Even though it is in public?” I questioned and he feathered a kiss over my lips.
“Even then. They can all see who you belong to. Besides, I have to give them something to live up to my bad boy reputation.” He said and I slapped his chest playfully.
“Because being the head of the Mexican Cartel isn’t enough for you?” I said before he growled playfully.
“Hey, you two. I can hear everything you are saying and while I am in your corner wanting you to have as much sex like rabbits, I don’t particularly want to watch.” Elsie said, leaning on the car with an amused look.
“You might enjoy it too much…” Dante started and I glared at him.
“If you know what is good for you, don’t you dare finish that sentence. I may love Elsie like a sister, but I don’t share.” I warned and Dante held up his hands in surrender.
“I was only joking,Hermosa.” He said with a kiss as he opened mine and then Elsie’s door.
It was some kind of weird chivalrous code with these men and we had both learned to wait for them to get our doors to save us from the side eyes and lectures later.
“It has nothing to do with enjoying it too much. I have more than enough dick to keep me satisfied when I can get it.” Elsie continued as she sat in the car with a sigh.
I grinned at her, knowing she and the guys had been going through a bit of a drought with Aisling keeping them all preoccupied and unable to get some time for intimacy.
“You would think with five of you that sex would still be on the table,” Dante muttered and Elsie glared at him in the rearview mirror.
“Just you wait, devil man. Just you wait.” She said ominously and I laughed at Dante’s brief look of fear.
“Just for that, I am going to tell Connor that you suggested I should join you for sex,” she said, sniffing delicately, her eyes gleaming wickedly.
“Don’t do that. That man is relentless. I take it back.” Dante said beneath his breath, making us laugh.
He pulled into the Madden driveway, only a few doors down from our own home. Connor was outside, surrounded by Halloween decorations with his hands on his hips.
“Oh no. It’s begun.” Elsie muttered as we came to a stop. Connor hurried to open Elsie’s door, kissing her passionately before he grinned at us.
“Want to stay and help me decorate?” He said and Dante gripped the steering wheel tightly.
“Ahhh no thanks, man. I have better things to do.” He said, looking at me suggestively.
“Ohhhh yeah. Don’t let me keep you,” he said, winking as he slid his arm around Elsie’s shoulders.
“Hey, Connor. You should have heard what Dante suggested earlier.” Elsie started to say, and Connor looked at her curiously.