Page 26 of Blackout
‘You know, your brother said the same thing,’ I smirked. ‘About the steam.’
‘You and Zach, huh? He always did have a soft spot for you since the first time you knocked on our door.’ She told me like it was a secret and I needed to know it. ‘You know he wouldn’t let anyone answer the door when you knocked? Zach insisted from the first day you came to get Addison.’ Lex laughed as she walked down her own memory lane. ‘Addison and I always tried to spy on you two. But all you did was talk and hold hands. Addison and I were like, hurry up and kiss.’
I shook my head in disbelief that my sister and her next-door neighbour best friend had spied on Zach and me. But Lex just nodded her head.
‘So,’ I pursed my lips together. ‘Is Black’s Bar and Grill a family business?’ My eyebrow shot up in question and I wondered how easily I had deflected from talking about Zach and I spending time together back then.
‘It’s all Zach’s,’ she said matter-of-factly.
I was impressed. I really had no idea who Zach Black had turned out to be.
‘Yeah. Zach decided to stay here while the rest of the family moved to Melbourne. He’s worked hard to build Black’s Bar and Grill up to what it is today.’
Lex and I finished our wines before she hugged me goodbye and slipped into the crowd that had built up around the bar.
I collected my phone and empty glass and made my way back to the bar for another wine when I was stopped by someone who stood a little too close.
‘Well, well, well, if it isn’t Harley James.’ The voice that said those words made my skin crawl. I already knew by the bad vibes that Connor Black was behind me.
Connor’s hand landed on my shoulder with a hard grip, which I was sure would leave a bruise, and I was thankful my phone and wine glass were in my other hand. He pulled my shoulder back, and I had no option but to turn around. I was now face to face with the eldest Black sibling.
I wanted to stand my ground and tell him to fuck off, but I didn’t even get a chance to open my mouth. Zach now stood right behind Connor.
‘Let her go, Connor.’ His voice had an edge to it. I had grown to love the timbre of it.
‘Stay out of this, Zach. This is between Harley and me.’ Connor’s voice was no match for Zach’s, but his hand hadn’t left my shoulder.
‘I said let her go, Connor.’
‘You ghosted me, Harley. What the fuck?’ Connor continued talking to me, ignoring Zach.
Before I could open my mouth, Zach was talking again. ‘Let her go and get the fuck out. You’re not welcome here.’ Zach’s voice still held its edge but was so calm. His manner, however, screamed, ‘I will hurt you in a heartbeat.’
Connor made no move to relieve the pressure on my shoulder. I stared at Zach and tried not to wince at the pain I felt. I could see his eyes communicate with me to wait a moment longer. Then Zach moved aside, and security stepped up to pull Connor towards the exit.
Two strong masculine arms wrapped around me and I realised Zach had pulled me against his chest in one swift motion. I hadn’t blacked out, but something else was happening to me and didn’t know what was going on. ‘Let’s get out of here.’ His voice was a soft caress in my ear that I melted into.
I moved my hands to his chest. ‘Zach, I’d like to stay for a while longer if your brother is gone and not allowed back in. I’d love to have a few drinks and a dance.’
‘Okay, Harley.’ Zach kissed the shell of my ear. ‘Come on, let’s go.’ There was a look on his face, and I knew he wasn’t completely unhappy that my body would be close to his on the dance floor.
Zach grabbed my hand, entwined our fingers and pulled me away from the beer garden, past the long reception desk and into the Carbon Bar. Once we were through the glass doors, I saw how many people had shown up for this afternoon’s show.
There were people everywhere waiting either for a drink or for the band to start their show. The Carbon Bar wasn’t quiet as there was a DJ next to the main stage, and his music filled the late afternoon air. Zach walked us straight up to the bar, leaned over the edge for the attention of a bartender and ordered our drinks. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the amber liquid in the bottom of Zach’s glass was bourbon, and by the way he swallowed it straight, it made me think there was some tension that he needed to burn off.
Zach leaned back to leave his glass on the bar. There was no way I would drink my wine that quickly. I took a slow sip as Zach pulled me away from the bar and into a space just for the two of us as we faced the stage. I stood next to him, and it didn’t take long for his arm to wrap around my shoulder and for me to be stuck to his side and tucked under his arm.
Now it was time to dance. Not once in the whole time we were together were we interrupted. Everyone knew Zach was off duty, both the customers and his staff. Zach and I sang, danced and drank through two of the band’s three sets before I was pulled out the front doors and into his truck.
‘Sorry, babe,’ Zach said to me once he started the engine. ‘It’s been a long day and I’m tired as fuck, so we need to go home.’
I turned and took in the man next to me as he reversed out of his car park, and I smiled. ‘We didn’t have to stay as long as we did.’
‘You had a good time?’ Zach asked and smiled back at me. He shifted his truck into drive, and we were on our way back to his house.
‘I had a great time,’ I told him, then I told myself that it was okay to close my eyes for a minute.