Page 54 of Blackout
Zach kissed me again as he manoeuvred his body to lay on top of mine. I loved the feel of his nakedness against me, and my flesh tingled and shivered as I waited for the shock of electricity I got when we were passionate this way. Body to body, skin to skin, his lips covering mine. Our mouths moved together as we licked, bit, sucked and tasted one another, and I hoped this never got old between us.
Zach rocked his hips up and down, pushing his cock through my wetness, and I opened my thighs wider for him. My arms had already found their way around his neck, but he took my hands in his placed them over my head. One hand took a hold of both of my hands. I was stretched out for him, and I knew he liked the view. Zach’s lips left my mouth and moved over my face along my jawline and down my neck. His whiskers brushed my skin, and I arched into him.
He made several passes with his lips, tongue and whiskers along the skin from my ear to the tip of my shoulder. The movement of Zach’s jaw and the hair on his face only added to the sensations I felt right now. Small sparks of electricity where Zach’s tongue left a trail felt magical.
‘I need you,’ I breathed against Zach’s skin.
My words were the ones Zach wanted to hear. And as he wrapped my leg around his hip, he filled me completely. Zach kissed the tip of my nose, then began to move, thrusting his length inside me.
I knew it had been four weeks without him, four long weeks as I’d tried to figure me out. But right here, right now, I knew I needed this man in my life forever.
‘Make me feel good,’ I said to the man on top of me. ‘For keeps.’
‘There’s only ever been you for me.’ Zach continued to move in and out of me. ‘I got you.’ He hadn’t told me he loved me, but I would take ‘I got you’ as the next best thing.
I pulsed on the inside, and maybe my happiness showed on the outside too. Zach had no idea how those words made me feel. I needed to tell this man I loved him and soon.
Our movements were quicker as we chased our own bliss.
‘Babe?’ Zach groaned, and I knew he was close. I was almost there too. I just needed a little more friction, and it would send me over the edge. When I felt Zach’s finger rub my clit, my body shuddered, and I moaned with the strength of my orgasm.
‘Oh my god, Harley.’
I felt my pussy clamp down around Zach’s length, and I knew he had come. I had milked him dry for now.
Zach let go of my hands and gently moved my leg away from his body so he could withdraw. I moved my hands up to his face and cupped it. My lips chased his as I wanted to express to him without words that I didn’t want this moment or what we’d just shared to be over yet. I wanted to continue to build on what we had.
God only knew what time it was when I heard a bang on the front door. I wanted to get up and answer the door, but I couldn’t. I was still wrapped up in Zach’s arms like I’d always hoped one day I would be. There was a growl from the man in question and I could tell he wasn’t very happy he had to get out of bed. We had left Black’s Bar and Grill after watching the remaining sets on stage. Unbeknownst to Zach, Lex had organised for her and Connor to sing, and he hadn’t been too happy about seeing Connor in his bar. But he didn’t cause a scene. We went home, made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
‘Let me get the door.’ I made a move to leave his arms but he only tightened his hold on me.
Zach sang the lyrics of last night’s song before he dropped a kiss on my shoulder and got off the bed. I thought about the lyrics he had sung to me now and last night, and I understood why he now called me baby, not babe. I would take either one as long as they came from his beautiful lips. Happiness spread throughout me.
Zach had slipped into dark grey track pants and a black tee. I guess he didn’t want to show off his muscles to whoever was at the door. I rolled over and listened to the conversation unfold.
‘You’re not the only one who can play the guitar, Zach. Lex and I know how to play too. You could have at least stayed for the whole three songs. We just wanted to show our support. We didn’t do it to piss you off.’ It was Connor.
I had known Lex was up to something yesterday, and here was Connor apologising. Was it just for last night or was there more Connor came to apologise for.
I couldn’t see Zach’s reaction, only hear his words. His tone was sharp. ‘Is there a reason why you have dragged my arse out of bed this early this morning? I really did want a sleep in today. It’s my day off, and I could use a quiet one.’
There was silence for a moment. Then Connor said, ‘I sold them. I sold every single one of them.’ Another silence. ‘Every single business I ever owned, dodgy and legit.’
‘Connor. Are you serious?’
I could tell Zach was caught a little off guard. So, I got up, got dressed in last night’s clothes and wandered out to stand by Zach’s side. My fingers entwined with his.
‘You’re right, I am an arsehole.’ Connor breathed deeply as he tried to get his next words out. ‘To you, to Harley, to everyone and I’m sorry. My family deserves better from me. I want to try and be better.’ There was another silence, but it seemed that Connor hadn’t finished as he turned his attention to me.
‘I didn’t know you were my brother’s woman.’
I stared up at Zach. I didn’t know I was Zach’s woman either. But before either Zach or I could speak, Connor continued. ‘Your family moved in after I’d moved to Melbourne. I didn’t know you then, and didn’t know you and Zach were close. You were going to be my ticket, Harley. You and I, we could have been so rich. But I only ever thought about me and no one else. I’m sorry for every arsehole thing I’ve ever done, to you and my brother.’
Connor had made an effort to apologise to both of us, to mend the bridges he had burnt. It wouldn’t happen overnight, mine or Zach’s forgiveness of Connor, but it was a start to see him want to try to be better.
‘I know I deserved the punch you gave me,’ Connor confessed. ‘For what I’d done to you over the years, and for not considering Harley’s needs about a music career. It was the wake-up call I needed. I don’t want to be that man. I sold everything for a clean slate.’