Page 64 of Irresistibly Risky
Asher is not the least bit remorseful as he goes into full-on taunt mode. “What’s the matter, ice queen? You don’t know how to dance?”
I fold my arms. “Ha! That’s a good one. I was a figure skater, player. I took more dance lessons than you have brain cells.”
“Prove it,” he challenges, taking my hand and spinning me around in front of the entire team.
“You’re going to hurt yourself!” I cry as he shoots me out and then reels me back in until I practically slam into his chest.
He loops me under his good shoulder and then twists me around until I’m back in front of him, and then his bad hand goes to my hip because he can keep it low and tight to his body. He moves our hips in a swivel that is pure sex, much to the appreciation of everyone in the room.
“I happen to know this amazing doctor with the sweetest lips and sharpest tongue who can fix me up.”
“I didn’t know it was like that between you and Callan.”
He cracks up, his smile showcasing all his pearly white teeth. “A lot can happen between five boys on the road.” He winks at me. “Are you ready for the big finale?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Sure, you are.” He releases me and then breaks out into some sort of choreographed dance that the other players get in on, all seemingly knowing every move. He turns to face me and then starts singing the words, his good hand his microphone, only to end it on his knees in front of me, serenading me.
I’m laughing. Hard. I wish I had this on video because it’d go viral in a second and I’d make millions off it.
The song ends and the room erupts in applause. Asher jumps to his feet, spins around, and does a bow I’m positive he’s done hundreds of times over in front of screaming fans.
The music cuts out, and Asher calls out, “Back to work now, boys. Those muscles won’t get bigger on their own, and we certainly won’t kick Cincinnati’s ass unless we put in the effort.”
The team does some sort of man chant, and then Asher is pushing me along toward the trainers’ room.
“Is there anyone who doesn’t worship at your feet and does exactly as you ask of them?” I question, staring around the room at the men who look like they’d do anything for their fearless leader.
“Only you, but that’s part of what makes pushing your buttons so much fun.”
* * *
Icy wind whips across my face as I skate backward, my head over my shoulder, my arms poised, out on either side of me. The music in my AirPods picks up, and I skate faster, getting ready to attempt a double loop. I bend my knees, get on an outside edge and explode up into the air in a tight twist—one, two rotations—and then I land on one skate, my other leg out behind me.
Heath wasn’t here today when I came in. I made sure of it. He sent me a text on Sunday apologizing profusely yet again for the blunder of punching me in the face, and I never bothered to respond.
That’s that as far as I’m concerned.
I move through a series of twizzles across the ice before I swivel in a rapid circle to a stop when my phone chimes with an incoming message. Sucking in breath after breath, I tug my phone from the restrictive side pocket on my leggings and take a look.
Mom: Your Asher had me bring Mason back home early.
My Asher? What in the hell is that nonsense? My eyes flare as another text comes in.
Mom: We spent an hour chatting and giving Mason a snack while I told him story after story about you. All at his request. Then he asked for any pictures I could get from my phone that you haven’t shown him on yours. If I didn’t love Gary and Asher were into older women, I’d be all over that.
I roll my eyes. You and every other woman—and man, for that matter—on the planet.
Me: Where is Mason now?
Mom: Home with Asher. He insisted he could handle it.
Me: Mom! Are you kidding me? He has a bad shoulder. He can’t lift Mason. He can’t even change his diaper.
Mom: He showed me he could. He wanted daddy time with his son. He’s the real deal, Wyn. Joe never behaved that way around you. Not even when you were a baby.
I growl. And curse. I’m the only one on the ice so I can swear up a storm and no one other than myself will be the wiser.