Page 87 of Irresistibly Risky
Still, he’s easily the coolest kid on the planet, and I’m not just saying that because he’s mine.
“Come on. You can do it. Say, dada.” I do another press into the air as I sign “Father” with my other hand. My muscles are screaming at me from all the pressure I put on them today—well, all the pressure I’ve been putting them under since the surgery—but I’d do just about anything to hear his giggle and see his smile, so my muscles will just have to deal.
“Mama,” he chirps in delight, and I groan.
“Big guy, you’re killing me. We’ve been at this since you moved in here. That’s more than three weeks of this. If I didn’t know better, I’d suggest you were intentionally not saying dada just to mess with me.”
I groan. “Are you kidding me? Cookie over dada?” Those are his two words now. Cookie and mama. Incidentally, he learned cookie after spending the night at Wynter’s parents’ house last week. Not a stretch to figure out how he learned that word. I guess that’s grandparents for you.
I do another rep with him, down and then back up into the air where he giggles in delight.
“Dada. Please. Just one time? For me?”
He stares curiously at me as if the word isn’t computing when I’ve only said it to him about a million times.
“I hate it when you do that,” Wynter remarks from the doorway.
“Sweetheart, he doesn’t weigh more than twenty-five pounds. I could do this with you and still be fine.”
She enters the room, sitting on the large yellow yoga ball near us. I give Mason another push into the air. “Dada.”
Little booger looks directly at Wynter, extends his arms, and says, “Mama.”
She laughs, giving me a what can you do shrug. “Don’t look so glum,” she tells me. “He’ll get it. He’s just paying homage to the fact that I spent thirty hours in labor with him.”
My eyes bulge. “Thirty hours? Jesus, remind me to pay homage to your pus—er—vagina later. When I spoke to my mother last night, she told me both me and my brother were planned C-sections because we were so big.”
She snickers. “This boy wasn’t small. He came out at almost nine pounds, and that was two weeks early. It’s why I eventually ended up having a C-section too, only I endured hours of labor first.”
“I hate that I wasn’t there.”
Mason reaches for her again, and this time she snatches him away, bringing him into her chest to give him a kiss on both cheeks before setting him down so he can crawl over to his toys. I sit up, inch over to her, and drop my head on her lap. Her fingers start combing through the strands of my hair, and my eyes close as a contented hum passes my lips.
I’ve never had this before. Where I could just hang out and be myself and snuggle as much as I want—evidently, I’m a snugger. Who knew? I’ve always had to be Asher Reyes, whether that was the rock star or the professional football player. Money, and fame, that’s what drew women to me.
Wynter doesn’t give a rat’s ass about either. It’s just us like this, and it’s quite possibly the most freeing and relaxing thing I’ve ever experienced.
Her fingers trickle along my healing scar. Oddly, it feels good. Sensitive. “Do you ever wear a shirt?”
“Not since it became a total mother-effer to put one on or take one off. Plus, I happen to live with this incredibly hot woman who thinks I’m insanely sexy when I’m shirtless.”
“True. That is why I’m here. The visual man candy is where it’s at. The fact that you’re decent in bed and are the biological father of my child is all a bonus.”
I roll my head and quirk an eyebrow up at her. “Decent in bed?”
“Just calling it as I see it.”
I bury my face in the V between her thighs and blow a raspberry, making her screech and wiggle on the ball as she tries to push me away from her pussy.
“Stop!” she cries, laughing as I nip at her inner thigh and then blow more vibrations into her center. I plant a series of kisses and then rest my head on her thighs again, my good arm around her back, holding her upright on the ball and closer to me.
“Can I buy you something special?”
She coughs out a laugh. “What? Why? I don’t need anything.”
My head pops up and I gaze into her eyes. I’ve had it for over a week now, and I’ve been too nervous to give it to her. I ordered it after I followed her home from the ice skating rink last week. This thing between us is still so new, and I wasn’t sure how she would take to me doing something like this without consulting her first.