Page 117 of We Three Kings
The grimace remains. She knows better than to argue even though she wants to.
She slumps against her seat, all of her normal bubbly demeanor missing. I understand her guilt, but this extended silence concerns me. Not a word is spoken between us as I drive us home.
I park in front of the house, yet she fails to notice. All she seems to see is our hands entwined together. She stares at our coupled fingers, lost in her thoughts.
The worry frowning her forehead hurts me. She seemed to have a good time shopping with her friend so I’m not sure what changed between then and now. “What’s wrong, angel?”
“Do you think I have emotional problems?”
What the fuck? “No way in hell. Why would you ask me that?”
She bristles from my furious tone. I feel bad for upsetting her. But damn. I absolutely do not understand why she would think something as crazy as that.
“Being with Bree’s mom and grandma and Alex’s mom, made me think about my own mother. I don’t remember her. I know some things about her that my brother told me, but I have no memories of her on my own.”
“You were really little when she left. You can’t expect to remember.”
“I know. But shouldn’t I miss her? Shouldn’t I miss my mom?”
Her vulnerability terrifies me when I never thought I could be terrified. The fears seem to be a slippery slope to her questioning me, questioning us. “You can’t miss what you didn’t have.”
“I read this book once about the psychological effects of a girl not having a mother. It talked about unhealthy relationships and behaviors. Maybe that’s me.”
I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this fragile. Despite my fear, I breathe deep and keep my voice calm. “I’m not a doctor but you’re the most loving person I know. You’re easy to love too. Look at Bree and Alex and all your other friends. I mean fuck my dad and brother and I fucking fight over you all the time.”
Her eyes sink shut, and she sighs. “Maybe that’s why I’m in a relationship like this because I’m broken or something.”
God damn it. I shove open my door and fly to hers. I yank her out of the car and lock her ass down with my hands on both sides of her head, forcing her to look at me. “You’re not anything but perfect. There’s nothing wrong with you. Even if there is, I don’t give a damn.”
She opens her mouth to argue. Too late. “If you think anything you say or do is going to get you away from me, you are mistaken. This is it. You and me together no matter what.”
A budding smile adorns her lips. “No matter what.”
Only a whisper but still agreement. I say it loud. “You are mine.”
The grin finally beams at full wattage. “I am yours.”
Hopefully, she no longer has any doubt. If she ever does, I’ll work my ass off so she’ll believe me.
All week Seraphina’s seemed fine. Busy with preparations for Bree’s wedding in a few days, she never once faltered. Yet I can’t get our conversation out of my head. How can someone so amazing ever think she’s damaged.
Tonight, hopefully once and for all, I will convince her.
When I pull into the lot of the park hosting the city’s official holiday celebration, she goes completely silent in the good way.
She strains forward to try and see all the way to the top of the seventy-foot Christmas tree. I lift my arm and kiss both of her hands wrapped around mine. “Let’s go check it out in person.”
My suggestion rouses her, and she jumps out of the car before I make it around to her side. The wonder pulsing in her expression keeps me from reprimanding her about not letting me take care of her.
Tiny as she is, nothing will stand in her way. She grabs my hand, tugging me along down the path strewn with white lights in the bushes and flickering candles in glass jars lining the sidewalk.
When we reach the clearing, she stops. Not just because of the festive display.
A plaid blanket spreads across the dormant grass surrounded by warmers. A tray holds mugs of cocoa and a plate of cookies. A small choir circles the same outstanding singer from the festival last month.
As soon as the woman catches sight of us, she motions to the chorus surrounding her and they open withWe Three Kings, Seraphina’s favorite song.