Page 48 of We Three Kings
She sags into me with relief. As much as I want to scoop her up and take her home with me, I know she’s not ready for anything more than calming down in her own place. “We’ll sleep on the sofa.”
Not a question on my part, and obviously neither on hers with her slight nod. Thank fuck.
I guide her to the bedroom, leaving her in the doorway as far away from the disgusting bed as possible. “Where are your pajamas?”
“Middle drawer on the left.”
A red pair with green edges sits on top of the neat pile inside. Made of thick cotton they seem warm, so I grab the long sleeve shirt and pants. Then I lead her to the bathroom. “Get ready for bed, and I’ll wait for you.”
As she passes by, she pauses to give me a tight hug for too brief of a second. Before I fully register her embrace, she’s gone, at the vanity digging for her toothbrush.
My phone pings from the kitchen counter. As much as I don’t want to, I give her privacy and check my message.
M’s already gone to town on Casey. Now they’re pumping nutrients and drugs into him via an I.V., so the bastard survives until I get my turn. Although I don’t know when that will be because I refuse to leave Seraphina until she’s strong enough to be alone. I shake my head from the next message.
My brother’s bored since his punching bag is unconscious and heading to the underground fights he loves. Another reminder of how grateful I am to have my angel.
I grab blankets from the hallway closet and pile them on the sofa. Once she’s finished, I’ll tuck her in and watch over her until morning. Like I should have been all along. One fucking disastrous meeting distracted me from continuously viewing the cameras as required. Now I’ve let her down.
The bathroom door whines open, and I spin toward her. Despite the motherfucking bruises, she’s breathtaking in her sweet innocence.
I stare at her, taking her all in. Messy bun of crazy long hair, smooth bare face, surprisingly sexy in her body-hugging PJs despite only her hands and face visible.
“Your turn.”
Even her voice entices my cock. I shove all of my desire for her deep down and motion for her to come to me. “Give me five minutes, and I’ll join you.”
Still traumatized, she nods and rushes into the living room, as obedient as ever. I force myself to let her go and take care of my own business.
When I return to the living room, she’s curled in the middle under a huge quilt and pats the cushion next to her. Sleeping together isn’t what I intended, but when my girl asks, I give. I motion for her to rise. “Up angel.”
She frowns yet submits, quickly jumping to her feet. I drop on the couch and turn with my shoulder against the back. I tap the space in between my parted legs and her doubt disappears.
She eagerly climbs in, and I scooch down so I’m lying flat with my head on the pillow at the arm rest and she’s snuggled into my chest.
Her little arms wrap around my torso, and I cover us with her blanket. Heavenly peace for damn sure.
“You’re so big and strong. It makes me feel safe.”
“You are safe.”
Her wiggle of happiness tempts my dick, already straining from being in her vicinity. I tighten my hold to lock her down, and she melts into me completely spent.
“I’m tired but not sleepy if that makes sense.”
I stroke down her back, forcing myself not to cup her ass when I reach the bottom. “It does.”
We lay in silence, yet I know she’s not asleep. I don’t push, accepting her rare lack of chatter. Well aware she’s processing her grief.
“When Gabriel and I were little, we’d sleep on the sofa together.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Our room in the trailer was freezing because it didn’t have any heat. So in the winter we’d sneak into the living room and pile up the blankets from the basket in there. He’d sleep sitting up so in case our foster parents woke up, he could grab me and hurry back to our room.”
“You weren’t allowed in the living room?”