Page 52 of We Three Kings
For the first time ever, she looks worried. She furiously shakes her head and waves away whatever troubles her. Almost instantly, her normal expression returns.
“I meant taking care ofyoubecause of what happened. He’s gone into even more crazy protective mode over you. It’s good to see. You guys are perfect for each other.
The truth is apparent. I guess we’re not hiding anything from her. “I really like him too.”
Her face lights up, and I’m thrilled I’ve pleased her with my confession. I would never do anything to make her upset at me or risk my job.
“I know and I’m glad.”
She nods, and I believe her. Our relationship doesn’t seem to bother her or make her question my focus on my job.
“When you finish eating, send me the Baxter contract to finalize.”
“Yes, of course. I’ll be right there.”
Once she turns and strides to her office, I stuff in another bite. While I genuinely appreciate how generous and loving he is to me, I need to concentrate on this project and stop thinking about Balthazar.
Despite my revolting surroundings, I can’t stop thinking about Seraphina.
I tuck my still half-hard dick in my pants and stride around streaks of blood and puddles of vomit to the sink to wash my hands. Casey mumbles something unintelligible as I pass by him. Listening to Seraphina on speaker phone seems to bother him.
“What’s that fucker? You jealous that sweet angel is all mine?”
All I receive is a gurgle in response. Hard to enunciate clearly with a broken jaw, sliced tongue, and missing teeth, I guess.
His remaining eye tracks me as I dry off with a paper towel. “I’m sure you think she would’ve been yours if I hadn’t come along.”
He strains against the chains as I step closer. Instinct to flinch kicks in I assume since we both know he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Except to hell when I’m finished with him.
The stench of burned flesh and days old shit irritates my nose. I relish the consequences of his torture and speak into what’s left of his ear. “But deep down you know she never wanted you or you would be the one heading to her apartment in a few hours to spend another glorious night in her bed.”
A shrill complaint whines in his throat.
I’d rather hear a scream. So, I kick his broken leg and savor the howl I anticipated.
Once he finally shuts up, I smile in satisfaction. “Think about that while I’m gone. She’ll be on her knees for me, sucking my cock with that luscious little mouth while you’ll be hanging out here.”
I flip off the lights. “Until next time.”
The wail of a sob accompanies me as I slam the door shut. I find myself hurrying to the next room. Fucking with them is just as enjoyable as punishing Casey.
Inside, I hit the switch and the illumination makes them jolt. Craig lifts a shaking hand to protect his eyes while Melissa pushes her face against the concrete to shield hers.
Mentally, she hasn’t fared as well as her husband. I don’t think she’s uttered a word in two days. Just rocks and shivers from the intense air conditioning I pump into the room.
I check the thermostat. Forty-eight degrees. Pretty harsh when you’re only wearing a tank top and shorts.
I crouch down next to her. “You want a blanket? Maybe a coat?”
With chattering teeth, she tries to say something. Just like Casey, I can’t understand a damn thing she says. Too bad. “Okay, I’ll take that as anothen.”
When she emits a sound that I think is crying, I hum Seraphina’s favorite Christmas song. This is all for you angel.