Page 7 of We Three Kings
Despite my irritation, I can’t stop my grin from his old-fashioned phrase. Appropriate since technically heisold. “You care too much what others think. You make the rules, and your word is final. No one should question you. Youarethe boss…”
I’m only this candid since we’re alone in his office. I would never speak so bluntly in the presence of others and appear to undermine his authority. Yet, the eroding confidence in the organization of his ability to lead forces me to share my concerns.
We can resolve them together before someone else decides to resolve them for us and attempts to overthrow the broken king.
“And you assume I need to behave more like it.”
No need to rub in my insult. I made the implication, and his inference is correct. I don’t argue.
That would be a lie, and for all of my faults, I’m always honest. Especially with him. I’m the only one with the balls to tell him, regardless of how demeaning reality is for him.
“You’re right. I am getting too soft.”
Fuck me. I can’t believe he admits the truth. I’m relieved he recognizes the issue yet also devastated the time has come for the man who’s led our family to step down.
“I strive too hard for peace when war is the only answer sometimes.”
Agreed. We all want peace—peace keeps our family safe, our fortune large, our territories productive.
There’s also a time to strike, proactive or reactive. Unfortunately, due to his hesitation, we’re in the position of the latter, needing to answer the growing threats against us. The Russians have killed one of our best exporters, forcing us to rebuild our network coming out of China.
We need to act before the chance and our hold on the country are lost forever. “I can do this. I’ll confirm our strength to anyone who questions it.”
His tired green eyes, not as bright as they used to be, meet mine. Sending more messages than just approval for my assertion, he nods. Slow yet consenting to the transition.
No one will know except for us until we’re ready to make the announcement. I refuse to jeopardize him or the business if anyone suspects he’s ready to retire before the time is right.
“I know you will son. I’m already proud of you and know you’ll be a good leader.”
Rare praise yet genuine, nonetheless. We’re too busy to spend time celebrating our victories and thanking each other for our efforts. However, his compliment lessens some of my grief from hurting his pride.
I extend my hand, confirming my acceptance and conveying my appreciation for his faith in me. His grip is still as strong as his word. He pats my shoulder with his free hand. Not quite a hug but about the best we can do.
“You need to find a good girl, so you can be a good husband and father too.”
And, there it is.
The time has come to be crowned king and find a queen. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he and London set me up with this double team plan with Seraphina to settle down. The two of them ganging up on me is a lethal combination. “Yeah, yeah. I know it. I’m working on it.”
His smile seems sincere. The lack of guile doesn’t mean duplicity isn’t there.
He releases me and nods before returning to his desk and sitting down more slowly than I like. My suspicion increases beyond him scheming with my friend, leaving me wondering if there’s more to his urgent desire to see me married.
When he picks up his phone and taps the screen, I know the time for discussion has come to an end. A wordless dismissal means the conversation is over.
He wouldn’t answer me honestly anyway even if I was permitted to ask more intrusive questions regarding his health. His version of protecting me only hurts him.
My own cell pings, and I read the message as I hustle through the house and out to my vehicle.
London:I won’t even say I told you so. Just go get her!
Why is my best friend always fucking right?
Somehow listening to London bitch at me for the forty minutes it takes to get to my father’s house has worn me down enough to agree to make another long ass drive tonight.
This time I end up at a high school stadium to talk to Seraphina. Because texting her isn’t enough. At least according to London since this is Seraphina’s third date with the same guy.
As London not so subtly reminded even a self-involved prick like me, the third date is the make or break. You either give up or you get serious. If it’s the latter, then I’ve got no fucking chance to win Seraphina’s heart if I don’t do something now.