Page 96 of We Three Kings
She shakes her head. “No waste. It’ll be a treat for the dogs. We’ll keep the secret between us girls.”
The description consumes me with joy. I like being her friend, conspiring with her. “I’d like that.”
With a nod of approval, she returns to her cleaning. I take one last bite of banana. “Thank you. It was delicious.”
“You’re welcome. Come see me this afternoon and we’ll make those cookies Mr. Wiseman mentioned. Haven’t made any in years so I’m looking forward to it.”
“Me too!”
As spotless as the house is, I know she keeps busy. I don’t want to be in her way so I scootch off my stool and wander to where I think the gym is.
With Balthazar working at his office and Gaspar exercising, I’m not quite sure what to do with myself. Maybe I can keep Daddy company while he lifts weights and then we can decorate the trees we picked out yesterday.
The huge mansion has me second guessing where I’m going since I only had the one tour. Difficult to believe that was only two days ago. Now I live here with men I think I’m falling in love with despite how seemingly impossible that might be.
I stop in front of the last door in the hallway. I think this is where he works out and turn the knob. I’m wrong but not disappointed. Enormous bookshelves line almost every inch of the walls except for a gorgeous stone fireplace and two gigantic leather chairs that face the hearth. As big as Balthazar and Gaspar are, I’m not surprised everything else is oversize too.
The crackling logs heat the room extra toasty, and the smoky scent entices me to breathe deep. I want to pretend like I’m in a movie and jump on the ladder to glide across the wood, running my fingertips over all the books.
Instead, I keep my feet on the floor. I know that it’s wrong to horse around in someone else’s house.
Stepping closer, I peruse the spines for titles. Lots of classics and I grin when I find ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.
One of my favorites! I slowly slide out the red leather book and carefully open the cover. As I read the first line, a grunt sounds behind me and I spin around.
In the far corner, a man sprawls in another massive chair while a guy kneels between his parted legs with his mouth on his… Oh my god! “I’m so sorry!”
I race back toward the door.
His tone reminds me of the other men in this house. Dominant. Powerful. Authoritative.
I can’t move from his command. But this situation is too personal, too intimate so I cover my eyes blocking out the image of these two lovers.
“Put. Your Hand. Down.”
His words pelt like rocks, forceful and deliberate in his deep, raspy voice. I slowly lower my hand and clutch the book tighter to my heaving chest.
I should leave.
Look away at least.
Yet, the demand of his order pins me to my spot.
His head falls back enjoying the pleasure of the other man licking and sucking. I’m fascinated, staring like a dirty pervert. This is what happens to me when I’m in a relationship with two men. How did I become so filthy so fast?
“Do you like what you see, baby girl?”
I already know she does. I can smell her arousal from here. If I enjoyed pussy, I’d be all over this responsive creature.
Instead, I take pleasure in the impact she has on Rudolph. The suction on my cock increased exponentially once the innocent girl stumbled in here.
A deep blush explodes on her face, seeping down her throat to the neckline of the tee shirt that’s about a hundred sizes too big for her. This must be the woman my brother and father are obsessed with.
I can see why.