Page 98 of We Three Kings
“I’m not scared.”
The quiver in her tone proves otherwise. “No need to be. You make him happy. I don’t want to ruin that.”
My approval finally eliminates her anxiety.
“He makes me happy too.”
“Good.” I wink at her, so she’ll know I’m kidding. I don’t want to return to her fearing me. “Just like my father.”
The raging blush returns yet she’s brave enough to agree, nodding without argument.
“I care about him very much.”
For no real reason I can ascertain, I believe her. She seems indifferent to our money and power. “He feels the same way about you.”
With my confirmation, she squirms against the cushion in her own little happy dance. Charming.
“So is Rude your boyfriend?”
“Let’s say more of a friend with benefits. Neither of us wants to be tied down right now, no pun intended.”
She giggles from my joke and scoots all the way back. Finally, she’s comfortable.
Good. If she’s going to be my sister-in-law and stepmother, I want her to like me too. “Dad said you’re moving in with us.”
“You live here too?”
I’m thrilled that she’s thrilled. “Yeah, I don’t need the hassle of finding a place or taking care of it. Pop lets me mooch off of him, so I do.”
Her laughter floats through the air. She thinks I’m kidding again. Oh well. “It’ll be nice having a girl around. Mary’s one obviously but I get on her nerves, so I try to stay out of her way.”
“I’m sure that’s not true. You don’t seem annoying at all.”
“Just wait.”
Finally, the last barrier between us falls as she sets the book on her lap. I’m glad she trusts me, even though most people don’t and shouldn’t. She’s safe with me, from me. I’ll never let any harm come to her.
“I’m going to make Christmas cookies in a little bit. You can join me if you want.”
Adorable. “Only if you make chocolate chip.”
Too much excitement I guess because she bolts up to her feet. “Of course! I’d love that.”
“Me too.” I point to my zipper. “Let me go clean up and I’ll meet you in there.”
“Okay, thank you. See you in a bit.”
My crotch didn’t make her blush as much as I expected before she rushes to the door. I guess she’s getting used to us. Which is good since I don’t think my brother or father are ever going to let her go.
I’m not sure how it’s possible since he hasn’t rolled out a single ball of dough, but Melchior has more flour on him than I do. White powder coats his shirt and jeans with a few spots dusting his hair. Now I understand why Mary gets frustrated at him.
He’s eaten all the chocolate chips.
He’s spilled the red and green sprinkle mix on the floor. Twice.
He’s broken three eggs trying to juggle.