Page 10 of Tricked by my Ex
“I don’t want to tell you,” she said, and I hadn’t expected that response.
“What? Why not?”
“Because it’s embarrassing.”
Shit. What does that mean?
“Now, I’m really intrigued.” I gave her a slight nudge with my shoulder. “Come on, Snips. Tell me. Was it recent or something?”
“No!” she shouted before lowering her voice again. “That’s the thing. It wasn’t recent at all. It was years ago. So many in fact that I should be completely over him by now.”
“But you’re not,” I breathed out, more in recognition than anything else because I felt the exact same way. Only I had no plans on getting over her anytime soon.
She hesitated and looked torn between confessing any more of her truth to me, but I was dying to hear it all. Jonesing for it actually.
“I’m not,” she finally admitted.
“Hey.” I reached for her arm and gave it a slight squeeze. “My situation is similar.”
She actually looked relieved as she blew out a soft breath. “Oh yeah? How so? You fall in love with your ex back in college and then ignore her for seven years? Good luck winning her back if that’s the case,” she said with a laugh, and my stomach instantly twisted.
My head started spinning, my mouth longing to spill the truth. That I’d come to this party just to see her. That she was the ex I’d been referring to all along. I couldn’t figure out exactly what to say or how without making her turn on me.
“There you are.” Greg suddenly appeared before his cat eyes narrowed and he reached for his tail and started twirling it. “I see you haven’t killed him yet. That’s a good sign. Meow.”
I tried to shake my head and get Greg to stop talking, but it was too late. He wouldn’t stop. He’d said too much. My cover was about to be blown.
“Killed who yet?” Eve started looking between me and Greg, and I hoped he’d pick up on the fact that Eve didn’t know it was me sitting next to her.
“Tyson. I figured after all the hell he put me through to get you here tonight, you probably hated him or something. But it’s good to see you two getting along.”
He kept talking, and Eve stood up like I had some sort of sickness that she was about to catch. She moved backward, taking small steps away from me.
Greg, who was still fucking as clueless as they came, continued saying words, but I couldn’t hear him anymore. All I noticed was the horrified expression on Eve’s face.
“Tyson?” she asked, her voice shaking with emotion.
“Eve…” I reached for her as I dropped the fake accent, but she moved even farther away, out of my grasp completely.
She wasn’t happy or elated to put the pieces of tonight’s puzzle together.
She was pissed.
“You tricked me. You made me tell you all those things, and you just sat there. And you”—she pointed at Greg—“I can’t believe you would side with him after what he did to me.”
“Side with him?” Greg said, his confusion clear. “I don’t know what you mean. Don’t be mad at me, Eve. I’m on your side. I hate Tyson,” he shouted at Eve’s retreating back before turning toward me. “Look what you’ve done. You’d better fix it.”
“That’s what I was trying to do before you came over and ruined it,” I fired back, taking off in Eve’s direction.
She escaped out of the back fence and was racing toward a parked BMW that I somehow sensed was hers.
“Stay away from me, Tyson,” she said as she approached the car and hopped inside, locking the door behind her so I couldn’t open it.
“At least unblock me from your phone!” I yelled against her window as she fired up the engine. “Eve!” I shouted, but she drove away, almost running over my foot in the process.
I would have deserved it.