Page 30 of Tricked by my Ex
“Shit, babe, I forgot to tell you,” he said with a laugh, and I held my breath, waiting for the explanation. “It’s my stuff from New York. I figured it was easier if I sent it all there.”
“Ahhhh,” I breathed into the phone, wondering how the heck I was going to make all that fit into my already-full condo. “It’s a lot of shit, babe.”
“Yeah, I know. Sorry?” He said it like a question, and I simply shook my head even though he couldn’t see me. “I’ll be there soon to move them. Don’t touch them until I get there.”
“Uh, why can’t I touch them?”
“Because they’re heavy. And you’re a girl. And I’m your man. And it’s my job. Just don’t fucking move them, babe. Me and Ransom will be there soon, and we’ll handle it.”
“If you insist,” I argued because it wasn’t in my nature to sit around and watch someone do all the work while I did nothing, but getting sweaty and lugging heavy boxes didn’t sound very fun at the moment.
“I do. Gotta go.”
“Bye.” I hung up the phone and sent JJ a text, letting her know that the guys were on their way over to move some East Coast shit into my place.
Ransom was one of Tyson’s costars that he’d known for years. Surprisingly enough, he actually hadn’t been one of JJ’s picks when she scrolled through Tyler’s friends online and presented him with a list. Thankfully, Tyler had better taste than JJ did when it came to guys, and he picked her out a good one, setting Ransom and her up on a double date with us one evening.
It was supposed to just be one date at a movie premiere, but it turned into more soon after. Hell, it turned into more that night. They were all over each other, kissing for the cameras, laughing and holding hands like they’d been together forever. I’d never seen JJ look so happy. They’d pretty much been as inseparable as Tyson and I had been ever since.
I was still standing outside, staring at the mound of boxes, when JJ pulled into a visitor spot and cut the engine. Her door swung open, and her long legs shot out first, followed by the rest of her body in a gorgeous sundress with hair and makeup perfectly done.
“You’re shitting me with all these boxes.” She laughed before handing me a latte.
“You’re a goddess,” I said, taking it from her and sipping. “And you look way too hot for a casual hangout.” I eyed her from head to toe.
“I like to look sexy for Ransom. Not all of us have known each other since we were kids, you know.” She gave me a pointed look.
I glanced down at my outfit—yoga pants and a crop top, both with a thin layer of sweat still showing. “Are you saying I look bad?”
“Never.” She shook her head a little too rapidly.
“Crap,” I groaned. I’d left the house this morning to go work out, and I hadn’t put on any makeup or brushed my hair. “I’ll go change. And get myself presentable for my man.”
“It’s just the makeup artist in me. Occupational hazard,” she shouted after me, but I was already racing inside to shower and change before the guys got there.
I was just applying my last coat of mascara when I heard the commotion. Guys were so loud.
“Eve, where are you?” Tyson shouted, and I yelled that I was in my bathroom.
Staring into the mirror at my reflection, I spotted him the second he came into the room. He looked so damn good, heading straight for me.
“I missed you,” he growled into my ear as his strong arms wrapped around my middle.
I spun around to face him and ran my finger down the length of his face. “I missed you too.”
He kissed me then, and the world stopped. I wondered if it always would. It always used to.
“Sorry about the boxes,” he apologized. “You’re not mad, are you?”
“Of course I’m not mad.”
“I practically live here anyway,” he said, attempting to sound nonchalant about it, but I could tell he was trying to get some kind of reaction out of me.
“Pretty much,” I agreed.
Tyson had spent almost every night at my place since he’d moved back with the exception of literally a night or two. He was also working nonstop on a screenplay that he wouldn’t let me read until it was finished. It drove me crazy.
“Think you’ll ever give me a key?” he asked.