Page 1 of My Ex's Grump Brother
I blinked. His lips were moving, but I couldn’t make out whatever was coming out of his lips. Surely, I had heard him wrong. There was no way this man was saying what I thought he was saying to me.
“Lia, are you listening to me?” Jacob’s hazel eyes looked at me with mild concern. “Did you hear what I said, Lia?”
“I mean, I heard you, but…” my voice trailed off, looking at the ugly picture on the side of his living room. I had always hated that painting, but he said it was an abstract masterpiece.
“Amelia.” He called my name again. “Come on. I’m trying to be serious here, and you keep zoning out like what I’m saying isn’t important.”
I scoffed.
“Do you find this funny?” His bushy eyebrows pulled over his hazel eyes. To think those were the eyes I had once thought were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. And now, as he looked at me, I couldn’t feel that life and devotion that had been there before. I couldn’t feel the warmth radiating from them.
“No,” I said with a straight face. “I find none of this funny. I came here thinking I would have pancakes with my boyfriend while we binge-watched Stranger Things, but instead, I get you breaking up with me. I don’t find any of this funny, Jacob.”
He winced.
I hardly ever called him Jacob. I always thought it was too formal. To me, he had always been Jake or Jay. But now, sitting across from him, I couldn’t bring myself to call either of those names.
“Look, Lia. I don’t—”
“Don’t you dare say you don’t want to hurt me when you are breaking my heart right now?” I ran a hand through my brown hair. My eyes looked everywhere that wasn’t him because I couldn’t look into those eyes right now.
“Amelia…” his voice trailed off.
“Why?” I spoke against the lump that had formed in my throat. “Why are you doing this to us? To me?”
It felt like a rock had lodged its way into my chest. With every beat my heart tried to make- it felt like it broke a little more.
The air around me grew thicker, and it felt like I couldn’t get enough into my lungs. I pressed my hand over my chest, willing my heart to keep beating even though it was on the verge of shattering.
“I just…” he ran a hand over his face, his eyes looking thoroughly and utterly destroyed.
It was almost comical how he was the one detonating the bomb, yet he looked to be in more pain than I was.
How was that possible?
This was my moment to be destroyed and broken, yet here he was, trying to steal my thunder from me. This was so typical of Jacob.
“You don’t get to cry, Jacob. You don’t get to be sad.” I stood up from the loveseat we had been on. I stared down at the man I had loved for six years with nothing but ice and hurt in my heart. “You are breaking up with me, and you can’t even tell me the bloody reason why. I dedicated six years of my life to you, to this relationship. I gave you my entire heart and soul, and this is what you do to me? We just celebrated our anniversary three days ago when you told me that I was the love of your life. How did that all change in the span of 72 hours?”
By the time I was done ranting, my chest was heaving up and down, and the rage in my blood was spreading like wildfire. The momentary breaking of my heart had been halted, and the anger was taking over.
“What changed, Jacob?” I glared down at him. I wished that looks could kill because I would have this idiot six feet under.
Okay, no. I wouldn’t wish him dead but wanted him to hurt now.
“What changed?” I asked again when he didn’t answer me the first time. “You can’t be this cruel to toy with me. What changed, Jacob? You owe me that much at the very least.”
He shrugged, not even bothering to use his words.
Without thinking, I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be his phone, and threw it at the wall.
“Amelia!” He roared. “What the hell is wrong with you? That’s my phone.”
“Answer me, dammit! When did this all change?”