Page 5 of My Ex's Grump Brother
I heard a loud grunt, and we both fell to the ground, the man underneath me taking the brunt of the fall.
My cheeks flamed at my embarrassment as I scrambled to my feet. “I am so sorry I didn’t—”
My words caught in my throat as I watched the rather muscular, tall man get up. But that was not what caused me to pause.
Remember how I said I had left all things Jacob back in Braven? I was wrong because I was staring into a pair of green eyes I had not seen in almost a decade.
“Nate?” His name sounded so foreign on my lips.
The green eyes glared down at me. “You have the wrong person.”
He stepped to the side, but I blocked his path.
“No, no. I am sure you are Nathaniel Arthur Cane, brother to Jacob Ezekiel Cane.” It was like I was looking at a ghost. “It’s been a while since I last saw you, but you are Nate.”
His eyes narrowed, and his nostrils flared a little.
“There.” I pointed at his nose. “You and Jacob do the same nose thing when you get mad. You’re his brother!” They looked nothing alike. Their only similarity was that they had the same brown locks they inherited from their mother. This man was Nathaniel Cane. He had to be.
You don’t forget green eyes like his easily.
“Congratulations. Do you want a prize?” I was taken aback by the iciness in his voice. “Move.”
“You don’t have to be rude.”
“You ran into me and made me fall. You could have taken my back out,” He grunted.
I rolled my eyes.
“Calm down. No need to be dramatic. At most, you have a bruised tailbone.”
He huffed in frustration.
He stared at me like he wanted to shoot me down where I stood, and I didn’t know why. I hardly knew the guy. In all the time I had dated Jake, I had met him ten times. And each time, it was in passing. I always felt he didn’t like me, but now, standing before him, I was taken aback by how much.
“Have I offended you in some way?”
“Then why are you looking at me like you want to kill me.”
“Maybe because you barreled me down like a fucking bulldozer.”
“Bulldozer? I slipped.”
“There was a sign warning about a wet floor,” he said with a deadpan face.
“Exactly. Now get out of my way. I’ve had a long day.”
Then it struck me. “You live in this building?”
He just stared at me.
Oh great. I had run away from one Cane only to find myself in the presence of another.
This was the last thing that I needed right now.