Page 6 of The Witching Hour
He raised an eyebrow. “I hadn’t noticed.”
Once outside, Drake closed the sliding glass door and moved to one end of the balcony. Hazel stood with her arms resting casually on the railing, looking over the city. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but the moon and North Star still shone brightly. The streets below were already alive with partygoers and trick-or-treaters. As the night wore on, the activity would increase, and the creatures of the night would participate in the world of humans undetected.
Himself included.
* * *
When Hazel turned around, Drake stared at her, his eyes almost luminous in the failing light. The man took her breath. He was everything she wanted physically in a man, and she had little resistance against him. He looked hungry as his gaze all but devoured her, and she couldn’t resist a little exploring of her own.
His slightly shiny leather suit hugged every bulging muscle in his body, including the organ between his legs, which seemed to be growing more prominent by the second. She jerked her gaze back to his face, hoping she hadn’t been caught ogling his privates.
No such luck, if the smirk on his ruggedly handsome face was any indication. Heat suffused her face, and she returned her attention to the view.
She didn’t hear him move, but a few seconds later, his voice at her ear caused her to jump. “Do you like what you see, my dear?”
Chill bumps rose on her arms, and her nipples tightened almost painfully. The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she shivered as his warm breath tickled her ear.
Denying it seemed pointless. This man knew his effect. “I doubt any woman wouldn’t.”
He placed his hands on the rail, surrounding her body with his. “I didn’t ask about any woman.”
“I most definitely like what I see.” She probably should have at leasttriedto sound nonchalant, or shrugged off his interest in her response, but she had never been very good at hiding her feelings. It was part of what would make her a good witch -- once she figured out what she was doing. Her sincerity and genuine desire to help others would be infused in her potions and spells. It was also something that could really get her into trouble with Drake Cole.
He grasped her shoulder and turned her gently until they stood face to face. His expression was animalistic, his eyes hungry. “I like what I see as well.” The gentleness of his words belied his expression.
As did the kiss that followed.
Drake’s lips were moist, slick, and he kissed her with great expertise. Hazel was quickly lost in the bliss he created, her mouth mimicking his kisses, her hands clutching his sides as she tried to keep her balance.
When he slid his tongue into her mouth, skillfully licking and creating unimaginable pleasure within her, she tentatively did the same. His wild taste intoxicated her, but heightened her senses instead of dulling them. Not even trying to hide how this experienced affected her, Hazel closed her eyes and gave herself up to the pleasure Drake created.
* * *
Taking Hazel outside was the smartest thing Drake had ever done in his life. First of all, he doubted she would let him kiss her in front of everyone inside. Secondly, it got him away from all the overpowering scents and allowed him to catch Hazel’s true scent for the first time and he was able to figure out what he’d been missing.
Hazel… was a virgin.
Drake supposed he should be surprised -- evenvirginsweren’t virgins these days -- but he wasn’t. Somehow, it fit Hazel.
If he had been a gentleman, Drake would have stopped before things got out of hand. But he wasn’t. He was, sometimes, more animal than man, and he had no problems taking Hazel where no man had gone before. In fact, the thought only added to his desire for her.
He would be the first man to ever make love to this delectable woman!
But not yet.
Wrapping his arms around her waist, Drake pulled her against him, wedging his leg between hers, connecting with her cunt. She gasped, but didn’t resist. Her eyes were wide, her mouth parted. She was trembling.
“Sweet Jesus.” Her whisper was so low, he almost didn’t catch it, even with his incredible hearing.
“What’s the matter, little witch? Are you afraid of the big bad wolf?”
Her pelvis moved slightly against his thigh, but she controlled herself almost immediately. “I’m not afraid of you, Drake.”
“You’re trembling.”
“If it’s not fear --” He grinned. “-- what is it?”