Page 17 of Discovering Damon
I feel my cheeks heat, so I rub my hand across them to cover the blush, or at least hide it for the time being.
“Now, what else can you teach me, oh wise one?” he asks, and I feel my lips twitching at that. “Because there isso muchI could teach you.”
The way he says it sounds sexual, but then I mentally slap myself for thinking that when he continues. “Like how to make pie. I am the best at that. Oh, and I have the greenest thumb.”
“Oh yeah, my apartment is a veritable garden. I had to ask a friend to come over and water them so I could come here for the week. It’s like a jungle.”
“I’d like to see that.”
“Well,” he says, hopping down off the side of the car and pulling out his phone. I have no idea where he put it in those short little shorts, but he managed somehow.
“Here, let me show you,” he says, moving closer to me and somehow he smells even better than I remember. Like some kind of exotic flower I can’t name. It’s floral and sweet, and I can’t help but inhale as it wafts over to me. Fruit and flowers. That’s Damon.
“Look at this one. This one I brought back from the dead. People should call me a saint.”
He shows me a picture of a plant that I don’t recognize and he scoffs. “This is a Persian Sheild. It’s gorgeous, right? This picture doesn’t even do it justice. It’s bright purple in real life.”
I meet his stare as he smiles at me, his teeth white and straight. For a second I think,no wonder people pay money to watch him fuck. He’s not cute. He’s beautiful and alluring and open.
“Do you film your scenes around your plants?” I ask stupidly. Oh hell, why did I ask about that? Please don’t answer. Tell me it’s none of my business. That your scenes aren’t for me.
But instead, his eyes just light up all excited like. “Oh yes. I do. Not all the time. But I do like to make it fun and different when I can, and I do like a green and floral background. Makes it a little magical. A bit like a fairy tale.”
“A fairy tale, hm,” I murmur.
“Oh yes, I often like to pretend I’m Goldilocks while I get railed by bears.”
He smirks at that, and I find my cheeks heating as I huff a laugh.
Damon looks pretty pleased with himself as he scrolls through some more plants on his phone. They’re all exotic and lush and my eyes are glued to the screen as he lets me into part of his life. But then my eyes widen when he scrolls too far and a picture of him naked and holding his hard cock pops up on the screen.
“Oh, whoops!” Quickly, he darkens the screen and shakes his head. “I amsosorry. Shit. I didn’t realize that one was sprinkled in there.”
I nod, but my eyes can’t unsee it. It was definitely him—all that confidence and sex, no different from the way I’ve seen him before—but it wasall of himlaid bare with a blissful look on his face.
Oddly, it was his face in that picture that caught my attention. It was intoxicating seeing him like that, his head thrown back in ecstasy, his lips parted in what was most likely a groan.
And I’m not quite sure what’s happening tomebecause something flares up in my chest and moves straight to my groin.
But it disappears rather fast, more like an unexpected aberration, so I shake it off. I don’t want to read too much into it. He’s a beautiful man and it’s his job to intrigue people. He’s a professional. If he manages to persuade a straight guy to think about sex when looking at him, then he’s obviously doing his job well.
He’s really fucking talented, it seems.
“I’m really so sorry about that. That was unintentional.” His eyes peer up at me, and I can see a flush of red on his cheeks. It makes him look innocent and soft, and I wonder for a moment if his cheeks were flushed in that picture too.
I clear my throat and force myself to behave naturally. This is what he does for a living. It’s who he is. I refuse to be judgmental about it. That’s not how I was raised. He brings people happiness and pleasure as far as I’m concerned. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
“It’s okay.” I try to assure him, but my mind keeps flashing back to the ethereal look on his beautiful face.
“I should have deleted it but forgot. It won’t happen again. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable.”
That’s not what I’m thinking about. But I don’t tell him that. Mostly because I don’t know how the hell I feel about it. I know he didn’t show me that on purpose, but my mind is low-key obsessing about it.
“Don’t worry. I’m a big boy. I’ve seen dicks in college and…you know…I’m a guy. Have one myself.”
Damon laughs loudly, a pretty laugh, if I can be the judge of that.