Page 31 of Discovering Damon
“Really, you should try this,” I waggle a strawberry in front of him and he takes it, placing the entire thing in his mouth, green stem and all. And chews.
“Um, Tomas. You’re eating the green thing.”
He doesn’t seem to notice, just swallows it down, the dogs looking up approvingly, Peanut with a piece of shoe still in his mouth. Apparently, Tomas is turning into a dog, eating anything and everything.
He gulps down the wine and then swipes at his mouth, looking sheepish.
“Good,” he says, and I arch an eyebrow at him. He pats Peanut’s head and then sighs. “I—I didn’t mean to make you worry or hurt your feelings. I’m just embarrassed.”
I cock my head and blink over at him. “About what? I mean, there’s really nothing you could tell me that would shock me. I stick things up my ass for a living.”
He chokes slightly and his face turns bright red.
“I know. I’ve seen.”
Those words just hang between us and my lips turn up at the corners, elation spreading through my chest.
“Oh, have you?”
He grumbles and then sighs. “Don’t need to look so smug.”
He’s watched me? I am delighted, but he looks so damn horrified, I can’t help but tease him. “I am the smuggiest.” He lets out a mortified laugh and I wiggle in my seat. “So, tell me more. Did you like it? Why did you do it?”
I have a thousand questions.
He shrugs and then grabs another strawberry. This time eating it like a dignified human.
I just wait patiently, sipping at my wine and pretending like I’m not having a moment here—a very exciting moment where a straight guy watched me fuck myself.
Finally he huffs and murmurs. “I was just curious about your job. It would be the same as you coming down to the shop.”
“Oh.” I think about him all sweaty and dirty at his shop, working on cars, sliding under one as his big biceps flex. “I’ll come watch you work anytime, big guy.”
He flushes more, and I can’t help but laugh. He’s just so damn cute. I’m not shy about my work. I’m proud that I can pull pure desire from people, give them pleasure in this—at times—very bleak world. And I love talking about it.
I place my hand on my chin, totally invested in finding out what he saw me doing on screen. Did he like it? Or is he in total denial? Because come on, I’m hot, dammit, and there’s a reason I make so much money. “Tell me more.”
He shrugs. “It was…enlightening.”
I giggle at that, the sound choked and awkward, but I can’t help myself. This is just too fucking good.
“And now you’re embarrassed?”
“I watched you…” He stops himself, going a deeper shade of red.
I shake my head, holding up my wine glass for emphasis. “Do not be embarrassed, okay? This is my job. And there is nothing that would make me uncomfortable. I’m totally fine with my body, and what I do with it. You looking is nothing to be ashamed of.”
He nods and then grabs the wine bottle and pours himself another glass. He’s really putting it down. And with the way he’s chugging it, I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up passed out on my floor.
“Well, I’m glad you’re not dead or deathly sick, and that you just felt weird looking at me after watching some of my videos. That’s normal. They either gush or hide.”
“Yeah, well I wasn’t hiding,” he says and glances up at me, his lips turning up at the corners. Those lips….
My eyes flash to his, and for a second I’m stunned that those orbs saw me naked and doing things that I’d never tell my parents. That he willingly went online and sought me out. Me. I want to know so badly what he watched, what he liked, but I’ve already pushed him far enough.
He’ll eventually tell me. I know it.
“Now that this is out in the open, can we please hang out like normal?” I ask, and Tomas nods. “I really want to show you what a facial feels like…and not the dirty kind,” I tease.