Page 66 of Discovering Damon
For some reason, the thought of leaving the business isn’t all that heart-wrenching. I honestly could just focus on my Etsy store and sell my wares there. Maybe even do some solo shots for Carter’s site if I needed to. I think, maybe…
Yeah, I think I’ve wanted to start getting out of collaborating for a while. I’d been doing more and more solo shoots even before I met Tomas. It has nothing to do with him and me, I’m just so fucking tired of it all.
But everything I’ve worked toward, everything I’ve achieved, could I just give it up?
I don’t fucking know. I’m not ashamed of my job. I love my career and everything I’ve done. But I don’t know how much longer I want to do it.
Tomas walks out of the garage with Bennet by his side, and he smiles at me, and my heart melts, just drips to the floor.
Well, I amend that last statement. Maybe I do know. Now what to do about it?
“You okay?” Tomas asks me, leaning into me and pressing his face into my hair. I love these subtle displays of affection. They get me so damn good.
“I’m totally fine. But since these interlopers have invaded our space, why don’t we get some food and we can make everyone something to eat? I’m hungry again anyways.”
Bennet and Carter look excited while Reed just shakes his head, seeming apologetic for barging into our space.
“No need to feel like you’re intruding, Reed. I’m happy to see you again,” I tell him and then lean over and flick Jasper when he glowers at Tomas for too long. That guy is the biggest grump and the brattiest brat. Like I said, I don’t know how Bennet puts up with him. Although, I’ve fucked him a few times, and I can say his ass is pretty fantastic, so I guess I can see the appeal.
“Alright, I can run to the store. Just let me know what you guys want…” Tomas begins, but I cut him off.
“No, no running anywhere. We are going to have that shit delivered while we have a drink.” I wave my hand toward Tomas’s backyard. “You all go sit outside while we make some drinks and then we can barbecue something real nice.”
The guys all bob their heads and head out back while I stay in the kitchen with Tomas and start pulling cups down.
“Are you okay?” I have to check on him. Bennet is the mild one out of the group…well, besides Reed. I can’t imagine Bennet grilling him like Jasper did to me, but still. I need to know.
“I’m fine. I like your friends,” he replies. From the way he says it I can tell he’s being totally honest.
“Yeah?” I ask him hopefully.
“Of course I do.” He wraps his big arms around me and kisses the tip of my nose. It’s so damn sweet I nearly melt right there into a big puddle of goo. “I really like you, Damon. I like everything about you, friends and all.”
And that does it for me. He likes me. I like him.
We have so much to work out, I know that, but for right now, it feels almost perfect.
Fuck me, but I don’t want to leave this bed. Damon’s cuddled up next to me, and he smells so fucking good. It’s been a week since we started fucking, and if anything, it’s only gotten better. I’m insatiable and so is he. And he hasn’t mentioned a thing about going back to the city. Thank god. I’ve tried to bring it up a few times, but he just changed the subject. One time he even glowered, so I haven’t brought it up since.
I think we both don’t want our little bubble popped. And I’m happy to indulge him. I love being in this cocoon with him.
“Do we have to go to my parents’ tonight?” I ask when I roll over and press my body against his. He wiggles a little under me, pulling his legs out from where they’re pinned and lacing them around my lower back. He’s slightly sweaty and disheveled, but he looks satiated.
I did that. Me.
I made him this way.
Sex with him is phenomenal. I don’t know why I waited so long. I should have started this on day one with him.
“We have to go to your parents’. I already told your mom I was bringing my famous sangria. I also have that succulent pot I made her. I mean, you’ve seen me working on it for days. Ihaveto give it to her.”
I know exactly what he’s talking about. Three days ago he showed up at my place with a box full of exotic succulents and a pretty purple and blue pot. He spent an entire day arranging them this way and that, and to be honest, it looks fucking great. He’s so talented in more ways than one.