Page 80 of Discovering Damon
We kiss for a few minutes and when we finally break apart, Damon turns over and grabs his phone, shuffling through his messages and rolling his eyes.
“My parents actually responded. Said they want to meet up tomorrow. I didn’t expect them to want to meet so soon. You want to come with me?” he asks, and I scoot a little closer.
“Of course I want to.”
He tosses his phone to the side once more and cuddles into me, letting our foreheads touch.
“Good because I don’t want to go without you.”
* * *
Damon istense the entire drive into San Diego. When he said he hadn’t seen his parents in a while, I’d assumed that they lived across the country, not thirty minutes from downtown.
“When we’re done, let’s swing by my apartment and I can check on my plants. If that’s okay with you?”
I nod and continue our drive. I love having him in my car, love just being near him. The past few weeks have been amazing, and I can’t wait for the future. For what it holds for us both.
“The cafe is right up here,” Damon says, pointing to a small street. I turn and we find parking nearby. Damon didn’t want to go to their house. He thought he’d feel obligated to stay longer than he wanted. This, he insisted, would be better for everyone. A short lunch and then we can be on our way.
“Oh, there they are. They’re always right on time,” he says and then grabs on to my arm. He’s wearing tight pants and a tight-fitting shirt that shows off his lithe figure. I love how he looks in it and tried to make myself presentable as well in my jeans and button-up shirt.
I hope that they like me.
His boyfriend.
“Hi Mom, Dad!” he says, putting on a cheerful facade. They won’t realize how nervous he’s been about this meeting. I told him he didn’t need to go, that he has nothing to prove, but he insisted.
I want them to meet my boyfriend. I’ve never had one before.
That thought alone made my heart grow ten sizes too big for my chest. I didn’t realize this was a first for him.
“Hi, Damon,” a tall dark-haired woman says. I can see the resemblance in the shape of her body and those dark eyes. She looks like Damon’s mother. His father, however, couldn’t look more different. He’s bulky and gruff, his hair shaved close to his head, his clothes a little wrinkled. A man’s man. I can see why Damon always felt like he couldn’t live up to his dad’s expectations. I’m sure his father struggled with how Damon turned out as well.
But he’s wrong. Damon is fabulous.
“Um, Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend, Tomas.”
I hold up my hand and then reach out to shake theirs. His mom takes my hand quickly, but his dad is a little more slow on the uptake. But he does it, and his handshake is gruff, a little rough, but I squeeze back just as hard.
I won’t let him intimidate me.
“Nice to meet you,” Damon’s mom says and then gestures for us to sit. “We got a table. I hope this is okay?”
Damon nods and then we sit, an awkward silence settling over us.
“So,” Damon’s mom begins. “How are things with you?”
Damon nods, taking a sip of his water, his hand finds mine under the table, and I squeeze it.
“Good, busy with work and Tomas.”
I feel my cheeks flush because we sure have been busy. Busy fucking.
“How long have you two been together?” his mom asks, trying to keep the conversation going. From what I can gather from her body language, she misses her son. She wants so badly for this to go well. His father, on the other hand, is harder to read. His face is blank, but his eyes are intent on his son.
“Oh, just a few weeks. I met him while house and dog-sitting for my friend.”
“Oh, dogs, you hate those,” his mom laughs, and Damon does too.