Page 37 of Hate Like Honey
Unlocking the door, Ryan says with enthusiasm injected into his tone, “Shall we take a tour?”
He’s been like that with me ever since I came home from the hospital, trying too hard to please me.
“Sure,” I say, matching his eagerness.
It’s all just a show, and the acting is tiring. I only want to kick off my shoes and curl up on a bed. I don’t care which bed. Any reasonably comfortable corner in some place with a roof will do.
A small entrance gives way to a huge living space with a kitchen and bar on the right and a lounge on the left. Sliding doors open onto a covered veranda with a narrow, rectangular pool balancing on the edge of the cliff. The blue color of the water looks like an extension of the shiny surface of the ocean. A Jacuzzi and deck chairs take up one corner of the veranda while an outdoor lounge with classy white sofas occupy the floor space on the other side.
It’s breathtakingly beautiful. Under different circumstances, I would’ve appreciated the sight. Fallen in love with it even.
“Wow,” Celeste says, flicking on a light switch even though sunlight streams in through the floor-to-ceiling glass walls.
Dim lights cast the room in a soft, golden glow.
“Is this secure?” She crosses the lounge and taps on the glass. “Isn’t it easy to break?”
“It’s bulletproof glass.” Ryan directs his smile at me. “It’s not that easy to break. Plus, the security system is top notch.” He points at a computer panel in the kitchen. “All the walls are equipped with reinforced steel shutters that you can lower in a second with the press of a button.”
The plush rugs covering the polished hardwood floors absorb the clack of my shoes as I go over to inspect the panel.
“Have a look around.” Ryan motions at a staircase next to the breakfast nook. “The bedrooms and bathroom are downstairs.”
“How many bedrooms does this place have?” Celeste asks, gawking at the contemporary art on the walls as she heads for the stairs.
“Only two,” Ryan says. “A master and a guest bedroom.”
“Only?” She huffs a laugh before saying on her way down the spiral staircase, “That’s more than enough for most people, let alone for a student.”
“She’s right.” I face my brother. “This place is way too expensive.”
“Hey.” He grips my shoulder. “You’re an Edwards, right? We have standards to uphold.”
I wince at the attempted humor. Sometimes, I wish I could forget that I’m an Edwards.
He sobers. “Letting you live alone isn’t ideal.” Dropping his hand to his side, he says with meaning, “Not now.”
I brush the statement away. “I’m almost nineteen years old. It’s about time I stand on my own two feet.”
His eyes crinkle in the corners. “That’s not what I meant. I wish there was another way, but I have to take over the business in George.”
Concern tightens my stomach. “How does Celeste feel about moving into the big house with Mom? You know they don’t get on.”
“Celeste is looking forward to having Doris and Mom there to help take care of Brad. That way, she can go back to doing more voluntary work.” He drags a hand over his head. “To be honest, I’m not sure about leaving Mom on her own after everything that’s happened. With Mattie in Stellenbosch, she can do with family close by.”
“You’re right.” I smile. “Moving back is very noble. I just don’t want the relationship between you and Celeste to suffer. We both love Mom, but you know how she can be.” I lower my voice. “Especially with Celeste.”
“Don’t worry,” he says with a wink. “Celeste can take care of herself. She knows how to handle Mom.”
Ryan looks so much like Dad when he winks that I have to swallow and look away.
I hide the sudden onslaught of emotions by pretending to study the interior. The furniture is sparse but comfortable. A couple of cream leather sofas frame a glass coffee table. The focal point of the room is a freestanding fire pit with a black metal extractor chimney leading to the ceiling. A desk and a built-in bookshelf in the corner make a cozy spot for studying. The kitchen and bar sport stainless steel countertops and cable lights hanging from the ceiling. The decoration favors natural colors with light wood fittings. It’s stylish and tranquil.
The noise of the waves rushes in, expelling the quiet. I turn toward the view. Ryan opened the sliding doors. The glass must be double-pane for the silence inside to be so complete.
“It’s going to be a bitch to keep these glass walls clean,” Celeste says as she comes back upstairs.
Ryan shoves a hand in his pocket. “The rent includes a cleaning service.”