Page 100 of Stolen Faith
“It’s good to hear both your voices,” Juliette whispered.
Franco’s throat was tight with relief and tears. He swallowed hard, trying to clear it so he could say something.
“We’ll come get you. Unless this is a ransom, then we’ll pay,” Sebastian said. “Whatever it takes, whatever you need.”
“We don’t have time to walk you through what happened,” Devon said. “What you need to know is that we’re currently holding three people hostage. Once the rest of the organization and the hired security realizes what’s happening, we’ll be surrounded, with no way out.”
“Run,” Franco demanded. “Run now. Get out of there.”
“No.” Juliette’s tone was flat. “We’re not leaving until we know what they know.”
Franco pressed his fists to his eyes. Colum’s hand squeezed his shoulder.
Goddammit. He needed her to put herself first. He needed Devon to force her to leave so they’d be safe. But neither of them would do what he wanted. Juliette was fulfilling her duty as the Grand Master, putting her needs, wants, and safety second, behind those of the society. And Devon would obey her orders.
“Please,” Franco said softly, without uncovering his face. “I need you to remember you’re not just the Grand Master. You’re my wife.”
He heard Juliette’s shaky inhale.
“And you’re my husband,” Franco went on.
“Franco.” Devon’s voice was flat.
He bared his teeth, though he knew Devon couldn’t see him.
“If we’re going to get out of here, we need your help,” Juliette said.
Franco sat up. “Anything.”
“Yes,” Sebastian agreed. “Anything. What do you need?”
“Franco,” Juliette said, “I need information.”
Franco and Colum both sat up straight, and for the first time in days, Franco smiled and meant it.
Brennon made up an elaborate—and tragic, of course—backstory for TiffaniGrace and her parents. He couldn’t help it. All the insane things she’d said, plus her repeated mentions of her mother’s murder…
A southern belle of a blonde woman walks alone down a dark street. She’s walking fast, looking side to side because she knows she is in danger. She agreed to an arranged marriage, but the moment she saw her spouses, she panicked and ran. She’s been on the run for years now, always watchful, but time made her lazy, less vigilant…
Until tonight.
Tonight, it feels like someone is watching her. The fear that had faded as the years passed is back in full force.
She has a husband and a baby at home. She ran from her arranged marriage only to fall in love with the son of a preacher man. He’s the only boy who could ever reach her, that son of a preacher man.
She ran from the society, which was bad enough, but then she told her husband about it. He’s a good man, a righteous man. He wanted to go public with the information, but she begged him not to. Told him that their lives, and the life of their double-first-name daughter, would be in danger.
He backed off, but she knows it’s only a matter of time before he says something.
Time may be running out.
Shadows separate from the building, coalescing into two masked forms. She gasps and stops, quickly turning to go back the way she came.
It’s too late. Two more dark figures block the sidewalk behind her.
Trapped, she turns again, running into the street. She’s blinded by fear, doesn’t see the car…
No, wait, that doesn’t work because that would look like an accident.