Page 32 of Into the Fire
“Uh-huh.” Cara speared a green bean.
“Haveyou met someone?” Jack’s eyes narrowed.
“What is this, the third degree? You’re not interrogating a criminal, you know.”
Cara looked at Jack. “She’s avoiding the question.”
“I noticed.” He set his fork down. “Who’s the guy?”
“I never said there was a guy. You’re jumping to conclusions.”
“Not without evidence.” Jack leaned forward.
“What evidence?”
“You’re blushing.” Cara singsonged the response, mischief flickering in her hazel irises.
Curses on fair skin.
“You know ...” Bri set her cutlery down on her empty plate. “If you keep this up, I may skip our next get-together.”
“Wow.” Cara stared at her. “This must be serious.”
“Tell me who the guy is. I want to check him out.” Jack whipped out a notebook and pen.
Bri gaped at him. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
No. He didn’t.
She should never have mentioned the Idaho mess to him. All that had done was activate his already formidable protective instincts.
“Listen—no crime has been committed here. Put away your detective badge. And you”—she poked Cara in the arm—“stifle your unruly imagination. If I ever get serious about anyone, I promise you’ll both be the first to know. Until then, back off. I’m not going to discuss every man I date.”
“Ah-ha! Sheisdating someone!” Cara clapped her hands.
Bri huffed out a breath and stood. “I’ll clear the table while you two get your act together.” She picked up her plate and Cara’s. Grabbed Jack’s.
“Hey! I’m not done.” He lunged for it.
“Yes, you are.” She swung the plate containing a lone green bean out of his reach. “I’ll put on coffee and be back in a few minutes.”
With that she marched into the house.
And no matter how much they pestered her when she came back, she wasn’t going to say anything about the man who’d been dominating her thoughts for the past ten days.
Because both of her siblings were smart, intuitive, and knew her too well.
Meaning the more she denied their theory, the more they’d be convinced she’d met a person of interest.
So until—or unless—there was a substantial piece of news to report about any budding romance that might happen in her future, her new motto with regard to her personal life was going to be simple and straightforward.
Mum’s the word.
WELL, WELL, WELL.Wasn’t this an interesting and perhaps useful development.