Page 3 of The Scout
Thanks to her answer, my gasp sent wine down the wrong pipe.
“Hands in the air, Hannah! Hands in the air!” Mia threw her free one above her head as though I needed an example of what she meant.
Rather than listen to her, I got up, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, twisted off the cap, and took a small sip between coughs to help soothe my now raw throat. Breathing a bit more normally, I went back into the living room and sat back down. “Who did you have sex with two weeks ago, and why am I just hearing about it?”
She shrugged her right shoulder. “It’s no big deal. It was with Jacob.” When I blinked, she added, “Mr. Tillman? The substitute history teacher? I know you saw him.”
“Um, yes, I did see him.Everyonesaw him. Mia, he has to be—”
“Twenty-four. I know, I know. I’m divorced, not dead. And, girl, I haven’t orgasmed that much in ... well ... ever. And his body was incredible ... and talented. Guess how many orgasms I had.”
“Do I need to?”
Mia laughed. “Sorry, but I’ve been dying to tell someone. Well, you, since you’re my someone.”
“Fine, tell me. How many?”
“Three. Well, three and a half, if you count the time in the car, when I didn’t finish because we rolled up next to a cop. I didn’t even know that many were possible. I mean, I’ve read about them in romance books but always thought the author exaggerated. And his body is incredible. He has two percent body fat. Two. I have two percent body fat in my little toe.”
I couldn’t contain the snort that flew from my mouth. Thankfully she joined in. Neither of us were stick figures, but neither of us wanted to be either. We’d always had a little bit of meat on our bones. Cash loved my curves ... more specifically, my ass. Back then, he’d grab it any chance he got.
Talk about a beautiful physique. In high school, he was fit, but in the last picture I saw of him in an online magazine, he was wearing his baseball uniform sans jersey. Not only did he have a slew of muscles, but he also had tattoos that made him look even sexier.
Rather than harp on my ex’s ridiculous body and my lack of non-toy-induced orgasmic fun, I said, “I’m happy for you, Mia. Are you going to see him again?”
“Nah. It was enjoyable for an evening. We just happened to be at Mason Jar having a drink one night, and one thing led to another. We went from doing the country two-step on the dance floor to a steamy tango in my sheets.”
“You’re too much.”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway. This is why you need to move on from Pinky. You know your favorite toy is good for maybe one orgasm. Maybe two if you’re watching porn or have a vivid imagination. That’s why you should—”
Just then, the door burst open. Jimmy dropped his duffel bag on the floor and leaned his bat against the wall. “Mom, you’re never going to believe this.” He lifted his right foot behind him and pushed the door closed. When I cocked a brow, he looked at Mia. “Hi, Aunt Mia.”
“Hey, sport. Did you win?”
“Yeah,” he rushed out as though he couldn’t have cared less if he had won or lost. Which was never the case with my overly competitive son. “You’re never going to believe this,” he repeated. Before I could say anything, he blurted, “Cash Jameson is coming to town in two weeks, and Coach Snyder told me that I’m the starting pitcher in the alumni game. Me. Jimmy Hall is going to pitch to Cash Jameson. I wonder if he’ll sign my jersey. Maybe I should get a new one so I can frame it and still have mine to wear. Can I get an advance on my allowance?”
His words were rushed, his excitement palpable.We need to talksat on the tip of my tongue, but instead, I said, “Sure. Go take a shower, and then we’ll order it.”
He kissed my cheek. “Thanks, Mom, you’re the best. Wait until I tell Grandma and Grampa. I wish they were here.”
My parents had gone to Kansas to spend time with my father’s sister, my aunt Maggie, who just had a hip replacement. Having them so far away when Cash came to town wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Lord knew my father would have words for him.
“See you later, Aunt Mia.”
Jimmy took off up the stairs, and when the sound of his feet hitting the stairs faded, I looked at Mia and shared the same thought I had earlier. “He’s going to hate me. But I need to talk to Cash first. If he really wants nothing to do with him, then I’m not going to break my son’s heart twice. I’d rather he did hate me than have that happen.”
Mia reached for my hand and held it in her comforting one. “You’re a great mother, Hannah. For the past fourteen years, you’ve given that boy love that goes beyond measure, and you know that’s true. He loves you just as much. And I agree that you need to see how Cash reacts and find out why he hasn’t contacted you. Don’t go giving him a free pass.”
My nose scrunched up. “Do you think I’d do that?”
She shook her head. “No, but I’m just keeping it real.”
“Well, I appreciate that.”
All I needed to do was keep my cool the best I could until then. Not long after, I walked Mia to the door.