Page 87 of The Scout
I waved my hand forward, and she let out a breath. “I’m sorry for what I said to you. I really am. You see, it’s like this ... for years, it was just me. And I’m not blaming you. Honestly, I’m not. But when I thought you made a life-altering decision for Jimmy, I kind of lost it. You have no idea what it was like for me. You may think you do, but you don’t. You didn’t stand with him in a steam shower when he was two years old and had croup. You didn’t hold him at the doctor’s office while he cried hysterically when he got his shots. You weren’t there when he would come home crying because it was Father-Son Day at Cub Scouts. And I know what you’re going to say. That you didn’t know. I get that ... believe me how I get that, and I hate it for all of us. I know I overreacted, but Momma Bear isn’t a fictional character. She’s real and lives in every mother who feels protective of their child.”
“Definitely not fictional. I can accept your apology.”
“Really?” Her hand went to the center of her chest. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. But that doesn’t change anything.”
“You don’t love me?”
Shit. I did love her. More than anything. Still, the words caught in my throat.
“I’m not sure what else to say, Cash. I made a mistake, a big one. I see that now. I’m just ... it’s hard for me.” Her eyes widened. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”
I watched her scurry out of my house, hop off the deck, and run through the yard until she disappeared behind a small pine tree near our property line. I couldn’t look away, and she reappeared with a canvas in her hand. Her brown hair blew behind her as she hustled back to my house.
Breathing a bit heavier, she handed the picture to me. A painting of me, Hannah, and Jimmy at the park was beautifully illustrated in pastel shades. Her name was scribbled on the bottom right corner.
I stood there staring at it. “That’s us,” she said, as though she had to explain. “We are a family, Cash. Please believe me when I tell you how incredibly sorry I am for not trusting you. I think I was scared. No, I know I was. Letting go is going to be difficult. But I trust you. I do. Honestly. And after reading the contract terms, you were more than right about it.”
“Thank you for the picture.”
She nodded, tiny dimples sprouted on her chin, and a lone tear fell from each of her eyes. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry that I broke us.”
Not being able to stand it, I set the artwork on my table. “I should apologize too. I lied to you. Well, didn’t lie. I did worse.” I took her hands in mine. “I let you think I didn’t love you, which couldn’t be further from the truth. And you’re right. I wasn’t here then, but I’m here now.”
“So you still love me?”
“More than you’ll ever know. For the record, there is a Papa Bear in the family now. I’d never let anything hurt our son or you. You need to trust that, Hannah. To trust me, or we don’t stand a chance.”
“I do trust you. I promise on my soul that I do. If you give me the chance, I’ll prove it to you. But I can’t do it alone.” She paused. “Team Jameson-Hall, right?”
“Or Hall-Jameson,” I countered.
Not being able to stand the distance, I cupped her face and stared into those pretty brown eyes. “Okay, the chance is yours.” A couple of tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. “I love you, Hannah Hall.” Having Hannah in my arms, with our mouths fused together, felt like home ... and I never wanted to leave.
“Will you kiss me now?”
“I’ll kiss you forever.”
“Remember when I told you I had something to show you?” Cash asked Jimmy as I cleared the rest of our breakfast dishes from the table.
“Yeah. Is it a signed ball from one of your old teammates? Because I really like Duke Montgomery.”
“No, it’s not a signed ball. It’s better.”
“A bat?”
“Honey, your father’s being serious,” I implored, sitting back down with them.
“So was I,” Jimmy said with sincerity.
Cash lifted the place mat in front of him and pulled out the turquoise envelope. Jimmy instantly recognized it, bringing tears to my eyes. I would never forget the day he wrote that card. It broke my heart. I almost caved that day and told him about his dad. Now I wish I had.
“You got it? This is amazing. Were Mom’s letters there?”