Page 50 of Arranged Deception
I couldn’t care less this started the opposite of an alliance—an all-out war with the Notellis. My wife and I just became a team, and in the heat of that, I want to make sure she feels it and that it’s a lasting burn. The hatred she feels for her family should never fizzle out; I want it to burn like acid inside her.
“Emelia?” I look in our room and don’t see her. Checking the bathroom next, I spot her standing in front of the mirror, eyeing herself over, her face a scowl.
I don’t approach her. Instead, I admire her. A vision. She is a vision standing in front of me. Close enough to touch, but it’s more tempting to wait. The longer I hold back, the angrier she will become, and the anger will boil over. Her body will thrum to life, and she will claw at me. Emelia will want to tear us both out of our skin.
Fucking her like this will be like two caged animals set free after being locked away from water and food. Her eyes finally leave her own image and travel hesitantly to mine as I lean against the doorframe.
“You married me to hurt him. Not to make an alliance?”
Did I read this wrong? How could she possibly be mad at me? She wanted a safe place to land and get back at her father, and I created that for her. Giuseppe can’t touch her. No, he can’t go anywhere near her. Emelia is the ruler. The checkmate.
“That’s what you’re focused on? I gave you fucking freedom.”
“Answer me. Did you usemeto hurt him and settle some score?”
Slowly rolling my head from side to side and popping my neck, I fixate on the cracking before I speak.
“Yes, I used you as a pawn. What are you going to do, Emelia? Run back to him? You’re fucking free. Besides—”
“Fuck me,” she orders, cutting off my words and gaining on me. I’m stunned but prepare for impact.
Her hungry eyes tell me all I need to know. We collide, and I bend, wrapping my hands violently in her hair. The same violence bleeds into each other’s kiss. We fight, dual, both wanting the upper hand. I tilt my head to get a deeper taste. Not even air can slip from between us, and it still isn’t close enough.
“Emelia.” I separate us, leaning down farther and taking her full, luscious ass in my hands and squeezing it to the point of bruising.
“Yes, God, yes!” she cries, leaning and nipping at my chin and my neck.
“What do you say to me?”
She isn’t mad. No—far from that. The question she posed was for surety that I in fact gave her what she never knew she could have. Even if she was a pawn, she broke out and got away from it, and now she has the backing of more than a thousand men.
She loves the fact thatshewas the weapon used against her father.
If she told me tonight that she wanted to go after him and end his life, ruin the legacy of her grandfather, and destroy and take over everything he claimed was his, I wouldn’t hesitate. I would go without a backward glance. That might be the battle I would enter with the most excitement than any other I ever have before. I never thought revenge would be this sweet.
“What do you mean?” she pants, trying to push back enough to get to my tux jacket.
I grip the hair at the nape of her neck and yank her head back. Through gritted teeth, I ask her again, but this time with more force.“What do you say to me for getting you out of that family?”
Not a second’s pause. “Thank you. Thank you, sir.”
“Such a good girl. Open your mouth for me.”
She tilts her head and raises a brow, but because I demand her to do it, like an obedient fuck toy, she does it,opening her mouth wide.
I spit down her throat, and she moans.
“Swallow it.”
She does, and a wicked gleam dances in her eyes.
“Go to the bed. Take the dress off and put on a fucking show,” I tell her, biting her lip and making sure she bleeds. Yelping, she steps back, takes her pointer finger, and touches the painted red tip to where blood is now seeping from her plump lip.
“If you stay still, I will spank your ass till that bleeds too. Go.”
She jumps into action, her eyes sparkling with desire.
With a harsh tug and pull, I am out of my tie and jacket while I watch that silky material slide down her body. A bra and no fucking panties. Her ass, God, it's so damn thick I want to bite it.