Page 16 of Falling for You
I sit on a log by myself and take a sip of my soda. I’m a good girl, but I’ve had alcohol with Sam before. We broke into her parent’s liquor cabinet and got so drunk that we ordered pizza from four different places. I woke up the next morning with very little memory, a large headache, and a lot of pizza sauce all over myself. I’m guessing we had a good night, but I know that I don’t want to lose control like that around these people.
“Come on loosen up Ronnie. Get up and dance. Dax, get over here and give Ronnie somethin’ to smoke. She needs to lighten up.” Brad looks down at me and offers a hand. I shake my head and bite my lip when his eyes look thunderous. After this morning, I feel a pit of fear in my stomach that I can’t seem to get rid of.
He sighs heavily and goes back to drinking his beer and talking to the other girls. He tried all day to get my attention with his usual charming attitude. I wasn’t buying it anymore. I’m really ready for this whole weekend to end.
My head pops up when I feel someone sit down next to me on my log. I glance over to see Marissa watching me quietly. I stiffen.
She sighs heavily. “I know, I know. I’m the wicked witch of the west and you want nothing to do with me.” She holds her hands up and I stare back at her warily. “I come in peace; I promise.”
I don’t say anything for a moment. After last night, I don’t trust this girl at all.
“I was drunk off my ass last night, and acted like a total bitch. I’m really sorry.” She sighs again, loudly. “I moved here when I was a freshman. I had to work hard to fit in. The girls were all bitches to me too, so I should know better.” She sneaks a peek over at me again. She sounds like she’s telling the truth. Her steady gaze seems sincere. I stay quiet. Still not buying it.
“Okay, so you aren’t taking that, and I don’t blame you. I was awful. The only excuse I have is that my mom started a new series and the reviews are awful so she’s been taking it out on me. Therefore, I took it out on you.” She shrugs her shoulders. “Shit rolls downhill.”
I’ve heard about her mom before. She’s a very demanding actress and well known for her diva ways. I decide to ignore my instincts, and extend an olive branch.
“I’ll recover. The truth is, I haven’t been exactly friendly either. I’m not a stuck-up bitch, but I haven’t really tried to fit in here.”
That’s the truth. I’ve always been a loner, at this school and my other one. I didn’t naturally show my feelings or bubble over with emotions. I liked hiding in the pages of my books and speculating about life, rather than taking part. If it hadn’t been for Sam forcing her friendship upon me when I moved here, I would still be hiding in corners. I smile to myself. That girl wouldn’t let me become a recluse no matter how hard I tried.
Marissa snorts. “This school is almost impossible to fit into. We’re all just trying our best. I’m a little envious of you, you know?” She bumps her shoulder against mine.
“Yeah, right,” I scoff. “The queen of Riverton Prep envious of me? I don’t think so.”
“It’s true. I’ve got this whole group that hang out with me, but no one that’s real with me. Not like Sam is with you. I watch you giggle and talk with each other and y’all are real. You look like you can be yourselves with each other. I envy that.” She sounds sad. Her light brown hair is shiny in the firelight and her cheekbones are model sharp. She’s a beautiful girl, and this is the most approachable I’ve ever seen her. Her sad voice tugs at my heart strings. It is hard to find anyone sincere here. I can’t imagine trying to put on a show for others 24/7.
“Why don’t you come with me and the girls down to the lake? We’re going to go have a little girl talk away from the boys. You can get to know the other girls too. Maybe we can even become friends. It would be nice to be around someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to me.” She bumps my shoulder again and I force a smile. I don’t know how to feel about the offer. Maybe I should give the girls a chance. Sam’s always telling me to step outside of my comfort zone. It would be nice to not worry about the guys for a little while. I would love to get away from Brad’s moodiness and Sawyer’s confusing sexiness.
I look around. Dax and Sawyer are engrossed in serious conversation and Brad and the other guys are nowhere to be seen.
“Just us girls, right? No Brad? And no crazy games of Truth or Dare?” I really don’t want a repeat of last night.
“No Brad. No stupid games. Just awesome girl time, I promise.” She stands up and holds her hand out. She grins as she helps me up. I let go of her hand and wipe the butt of my jeans off.
“Well, I really could use some girl talk in my life right now and new friends are always nice.” It would be nice to hear the other girls’ opinions of the guys. I feel a little like I’m going crazy.
She puts her arm around my shoulders. “We would be excited for you to join our group.”
Chapter Fifteen
Lily is the sweetest person I know. If she thinks you’re full of shit, then you must reek of it so bad that freakin’ bleach won’t even touch it.-Dax
Dax sits down next to me. The smell of pot is so pungent that I can’t help but cough. I laugh and wave my hand in front of my face.
“Enjoying yourself?” I ask. Dax is always enjoying himself, no matter when you ask. He’s the most chill person I know which is why in this shitty town, he’s one of the rare ones I like.
“Always, man, always. This is some good shit. You want some?” He holds out a half-smoked blunt and I wave him away.
“Nah, I’m good man.” I stare across the fire to find Ronnie steadfastly ignoring my gaze.
He claps a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry we didn’t find anything this morning. I want to help you nail him, Sawyer, I really do.”
I frown and stare down at the ground. “It’s okay. It was a long shot.”
“I’m still going to go through stuff from home, and maybe something will turn up. You never know.”