Page 29 of Falling for You
“So, what’s going to happen to Brad? I mean, what will the school do?” It’s been on my mind a lot, especially since my dad will inevitably get caught in the crosshairs between Brad’s influential parents and the school board.
“I have an emergency meeting set with the school board tonight. Based on the warrant for Brad’s arrest and all the witnesses we have, I’m pretty sure Brad is facing a long suspension, followed by probable expulsion. Regardless of who his parents are, the school and community will not be okay with this.”
“Good, that’s good, I guess.” My head is spinning.
Dad clears his throat and I look up. His eyes are crinkled a bit, and I can tell he’s holding back a grin. “So, what’s with this Sawyer guy? Is this something I need to worry about?”
My cheeks turn red and I grin shyly. “He asked me out. Is that okay? I know you once said I couldn’t date until I was thirty, but he seems like a really nice guy.”
“He does seem like a nice guy. How ‘bout you give your old man about a week to recover from this heart attack and then we’ll discuss this date, okay?”
“Sounds good to me, Dad. I think I need to breathe a second myself.” I’m giddy at the idea of going out with Sawyer, but I also feel like I’ve just been run over by a truck. I need time and space to figure all this stuff out.
I stand up and give Dad a hug. “I think I’ll go up and nap. I’m so tired.”
“Sleep well, baby girl. I’ll be here.”
I lay down in my room. The walls are full of posters from the romantic movies I love and ribbons from contests I’ve won. There are pictures of friends from my old school, but nothing recent except for a single picture of Sam and me. There’s a picture of my mom beside my bed. I pick it up and trace her face with my finger. She was always so put together and her smile could make the whole world beam. If I close my eyes, I can almost hear her joyful laughter ringing through the house. I miss her so much.
I rub my locket and think of all of the etiquette lessons and long talks we had about becoming a woman. Mom always seemed so perfect to me. I can’t help but wonder if she would have ever gotten into a situation like this. No matter what anyone says, I feel like I did something wrong.
I hug the picture close to my chest. I hear the ding from my phone and grab it.
I hope you get some rest Princess. I wish I was there to snuggle you tight.
I can’t help the wide grin that stretches across my face. Sawyer makes me happy. I’m a little terrified of all these new feelings. I close my eyes and sigh. I have no idea what to expect when I get back to school Monday, but maybe with a guy like Sawyer in my life it won’t be so bad.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
So, not only do I have to worry about being bullied in person, I now have to be worried about people talking crap about me on Instagram, Facebook, tik tok, and every other social media outlet. Sigh…-Ronnie
I was right to fear going to school the next day. Everyone stares at me like I have two heads. Obviously, everyone has heard about what happened with Brad.
Sam meets me at my locker before homeroom. I texted her yesterday and talked to her for a little while before I fell asleep last night. We both knew today would be rough, but I don’t think I was quite as ready as I thought I would be for the sniggers and the stares.
“How’s it goin’ girl? You making it okay this mornin’?” She smacks her gum. Her grey eyes are filled with sympathy and caring.
“I’m okay, I guess. I feel very conspicuous.” I struggle with the dial on my locker and snatch it open. My lit book almost falls out on my foot before I grab it. I sigh deeply.
“I’ve tried my best to get a handle on the gossip. Some people were sayin’ crazy things. Social media is rampant, but I already told you not to look on there.” She pops her gum and looks around her. I see her give some guy the middle finger that’s openly staring, and I can’t help but chuckle. My best friend has no filter.
I balance my books on my hip and lock my locker again. I turn around to look at her. Her black hair is streaked with blue and purple today and her knee-high socks are tie dye. This girl always manages to break the school dress code. I put the arm that’s not holding my books through hers, and she pats my hand. “Do I even want to know what some of the rumors are? Likin’ all the colors today, by the way.”
She grins and pops her gum again. “I know. It drove my mom crazy this morning.” She sighs. “I really don’t want to tell you, but I think you should know some of it. Everyone is saying that you were sleepin’ with Brad for awhile and that he dumped you. They’re sayin’ that’s why you pressed charges against him.”
I stop in the middle of the hall and kids rush by me. One of them hits me with their arm and my books fall to the floor. I stoop down to grab them and Sam leans down with me. “Wh…what? They think I was sleeping with Brad?”
Sam puts a hand on mine and stops me as I’m picking up my calculus book. She obviously sees the tears gathering in my eyes. “Now listen to me, Ronnie girl. You’re going to hold your head up high today because you know you’re in the right. You’re not going to give a shit what these assholes think and you’re going to look them in the eye. You’re going to do that because you have a kickass best friend who will fuck them up if they fuck with her friend.” She helps me to my feet and gives me a wink. “You’re also going to hold your head up high because you have a new boyfriend who’s a total hottie and these skanks are all jealous.”
I can’t help but grin. My fierce, small friend is so great that I can’t help but tell her that. “Sawyer is not my boyfriend, but I love you, Sammy. You’re the best.”
She throws her head back and laughs. “Yet another reason for these skanks to be jealous of you.” She winks again. “Not everyone can have a Sam.”
I don’t have a breakdown until after third period. I hear the football guys talking about me.
“Bradley said her pussy was already broken in, so she must be pretty experienced. He said she was shit at giving head though. I knew that Miss Priss image she had goin’ on was fake. I heard she was tellin’ people she was a virgin. What a crock of shit.” I blink back tears. What the hell kind of story is Brad feeding everyone? I hear the corresponding laughs and slouch further down in my seat. We’re all waiting for Mr. Snell to start class, but he’s currently flirting with Ms. Lee at the door so I’m not holding my breath.