Page 51 of Falling for You
“Shit.” I can’t help but mutter. My heart sinks. The wiggling, fighting bundle is Ronnie.
Chapter Forty-Eight
Since when did my life switch from possibly becoming a rom-com to becoming a scary thriller where everyone yells loudly at the screen for the heroine to stop being a moron and run in the opposite direction? -Ronnie
Wanna know the scariest place you can possibly wake up? Try under a thick blanket in the trunk of a car. Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s exactly where I wake up a few minutes after Brad hits me upside the head with something hard. It’s completely dark and I can barely breathe. I try to take deep breaths in my nose and out through my mouth, but I can barely swallow over the fear that coats my throat. My head hurts so freakin’ bad that I can barely think, but I know that this is the worst possible position I could be in. Defenseless and at Brad’s mercy again. Bile rises in my throat at the knowledge that I have no control, yet again.
My heart beats a fast tempo in my chest as I try to scream over the tape on my mouth. My hands and legs are bound under the heavy blanket. When Brad lifts me out of the trunk, I kick with all my might and he mutters ‘crazy bitch’ before tightening his hold.
I’m dropped unceremoniously on the floor of a room. I perk up when I hear Sawyer’s voice and feel the blanket being pulled off me.
A tear slides down my face as I look into the scared face of Sawyer. His jaw is tight, and the expression on his face makes my heart sink.
“What are you doing, Uncle Robert? Ronnie has nothing to do with any of this.” He kneels and starts to undo the tape around my wrists and feet.
“Not so fast, son. This girl has everything to do with this. She’s the whore who had to open her big fat mouth and start something against my family. By the end of the night, she won’t be a problem anymore, and you’ll be blamed for her untimely demise.” His uncle stands over us and Sawyer’s eyes widen as they look into mine. I can tell he’s trying to communicate to me not to freak out anymore than I am, but I’m shaking like a leaf and I can’t stop it. His uncle seems to have this all planned out.
“There’s no need for all of this. Dax won’t say anything, Ronnie will drop the charges, and I’ll do whatever you need me to do.” Sawyer’s voice is unsteady and I know he’s struggling to come up with a plan.
“Fuck that, son. I gave you one job. Make this girl believe you loved her so you could stop her from screwing over Brad.” My heart takes a dip. Is he telling the truth? Was this a job for Sawyer? Just another way to pay off his father’s debt?
Robert shuffles closer to us with the gun that up to now he’s held loosely in his hand. He tightens his grip and holds the gun to Sawyer’s temple. I suddenly can’t breathe. I feel simultaneously like I may throw up or pass out. Please God don’t let him pull that trigger. Even if this has all been a job for Sawyer, I know that I love him and I want him to live.
“You had to go and fall for the girl, didn’t you my boy? I’ve had people watching you this whole time. I knew after I saw pictures of you two that you weren’t going to turn against her. Just like your father.” Robert cackles. “Willing to risk it all for love just like your dear old daddy. That secretary of his had a great rack and an amazing ass, but she wasn’t all that loyal. Killed the son of a bitch for me after they ran off together.” The evil grin on his face widens. “I love it when a good plan comes together.”
“Uncle Robert, no one will believe that I would kill Ronnie.” Sawyer talks faster as he starts to point out all the holes in Robert’s plans. “ What about Dax? You can’t just make him disappear. Nothing has to happen. No one has to know anything.”
For a moment, his uncle sags slightly and I take a deep breath. Maybe he will stop this madness. He can’t get away with this. He has to know that.
His uncle stands up straight again. I can see that there’s a slight sheen of sweat at his brow now. “I can fucking get away with anything I want to, Sawyer. Don’t worry about that. I’ll pay off whoever I have to pay off. Fuckin’ FBI is on my back, and you fuckin’ kids are snoopin’ around. My son and I will walk out of all this free and clear. Money talks.” He sounds like he’s trying to convince himself. Obviously, his link to reality has lapsed.
I watch in horror as Robert tightens his grip on the gun again, and pushes it closer against the side of Sawyer’s temple.
Sawyer’s eyes send me messages of apology, love, and finally acceptance. He closes his eyes. He has given up and accepted that this is his end.
Fuck that! I don’t know where the sudden instinct comes from. Maybe it’s the love I feel for Sawyer, the anger that all of this has been done to both of us, or some latent need to be a superhero that has me flying at his uncle. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve already lost so much; my mom, my innocence, and my reputation. Whatever the reasons are, the next thing I know I’m launching myself at Robert Lewis. I’m half flying squirrel, half ninja, and all angry woman.
“Ronnie, no!” I hear Sawyer shout but it sounds like it’s coming from a long distance away.
Robert makes a loud grunt as I try to knock the gun out of his hand, and a super human strength I wasn’t aware of has me fighting for the gun. I feel the slight coolness of the metal and think I have it, only to be wrenched away from it by strong hands. I hear the door being knocked down and shouts, but I’m fighting for my life, fighting for dominance. I knee Robert in the balls and hear him grunt. He’s on top of me and clearly winning, but I’m determined to see this through. I grab for the gun again.
A shot rings out. Both Robert and I freeze. The gun is between us and I’m not sure what just happened. Another shot rings out. Robert slumps over me.
The next few moments are a blur. Robert is pushed off me, and there are police everywhere. Sawyer leans over me and rips the tape from my mouth.Ouch, that stings.
“Sweet girl, are you okay? What do you need? Can you get up? I’ll get someone to help you.” He leans over me, touching me all over, and trying to reassure himself that I’m okay.
“My shoulder hurts. Can you look?” Sawyer brushes my hair out of the way and I know by the expression on his face that I’ve been shot. It’s weird because it doesn’t feel like I’ve been shot. I always thought that hurt a lot more. It just kind of stings. I feel tired. Maybe if I go to sleep, I’ll wake up and this will all have been some kind of weird dream. Stuff like this doesn’t happen in real life, right?
“I need help over here!” Sawyer’s frantic voice brings me back to the present.
“Sawyer.” I know my voice is low and breathy. I’m so tired that it takes every bit of energy I have to say words.
“Shh, baby you don’t need to speak.” A tear runs down his cheek and I can’t help but give him a loopy smile.
“I fought back, Sawyer. I fought.” I desperately need to sleep. I hear Sawyer’s voice from far away after I close my eyes.