Page 104 of Rock Chick
I looked at Hank. Hank looked unhappy.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“I think he’s kinda mad at you.”
“Let me get this straight, he’s supposed to be lookin’ after you, and he takes you to a house where your kidnapper was, just hours ago, andhe’smad atme?”
“I guess the feeling’s mutual,” I remarked.
More silence.
“I kinda talked him into it,” I admitted.
“Yeah, I suspect you’re good at that.”
“If it makes you feel better, he’s already threatened to kill me.”
I heard the sigh before, “Be safe, for Christ’s sake.”
Then he hung up.
When Hank swung in the SUV, Tex was at the emergency room entrance, sitting in a wheelchair, his arm in a tight sling, with a stocky guy in scrubs and clogs standing behind him.
Tex pushed himself out of the chair as we walked up to him and he shot a filthy look at the guy in scrubs.
“Fuckin’ wheelchairs. Fuckin’ orderlies,” Tex groused.
“I’m not an orderly. I’m a nursing assistant,” Clog Guy said, and from the look of him, there was no way I’d disagree. He could be anything he wanted.
“Whatever,” Tex muttered and his eyes settled on me. “What’d I miss?”
I ran it down for him with a little more detail than what I did for Lee: the riot, Kumar’s prehistoric mother-in-law, the Kevster call, kidnapper sighting, pot plants, police and two news vans.
“Fuckin’ A, darlin’,” he said to me.
“Fuckin’ A,” I replied. “Now what?”
Tex lumbered to the SUV. “Now we feed the cats.”
We went to Tex’s house, he changed clothes and we fed his gazillion cats and cleaned out five litter trays. It wasn’t the most pleasant job I’d ever done in my life, but the kitties were appreciative. Tex made us stay long enough to give them cuddles, dangle feathers and jiggle laser lights, because according to Tex, it was important to keep their minds and bodies active.
Luckily, there were no stockpiles of firearms and explosives on display.
When we started to leave, Tex followed.
Hank stopped and turned.
“Where are you goin’?” he asked Tex.
“With you,” Tex answered.