Page 129 of Rock Chick
I opened the fridge and slid out the pie.
Lee was watching me. “You didn’t say anything about pie.”
“Chocolate cream.”
He stared at me, fork frozen halfway to his mouth. Something was working behind his eyes. Whatever it was, he processed it and I could tell it pleased him, but he didn’t share it with me. I let it slide. He’d tell me if he wanted me to know, but it didn’t take a brain surgeon to realize he liked the idea that I made his favorite pie.
“Why are you goin’ after Rosie?” he asked.
“Because he got me into this and I’m sick of dead bodies and bullets flying. Everyone I love is scared for me and Rosie’s the key. I’m gonna root him out, kick his ass and then things will get back to normal.”
I walked to the other side of the kitchen, slid the pie on the counter and grabbed a fork.
“What you mean is, you’re gonna get Tex to kick his ass,” Lee said.
I considered cutting a piece, but decided against it. It was just Lee and me, no reason standing on ceremony. I dipped my finger into the cream and turned to Lee.
“I could take Rosie. No problem.” Then I stuck my finger in my mouth.
His eyes dropped to my mouth as I sucked my finger. I cocked my head and grinned at him. He one-upped me by gifting me with The Smile. The problem was, The Smile was not only amped up with a good deal of warmth and intimacy, it was mega-watt with the knowledge of the great sex that had gone before and the promise of what was to come.
My legs got a little weak.
“Last time you saw Rosie, he was waving a gun at you,” Lee pointed out.
“Tex has a gun.”
“Tex has ashotgun. Civilians with guns are a little scary. Civilians with guns they don’t know how to use are very scary. Toting around a shotgun is just nuts.”
I shrugged, jumped up and planted my ass on the counter. I crossed my legs and took another sip of wine. Then I picked up the whole pie, took a moment to decide where to start and decided to start with the best part. I grabbed the fork and I dug straight into the middle.
After about four bites, I lifted my eyes to Lee. He was holding his wine and watching me, his bowl in the sink.
“What?” I asked.
“Are you upset about me bein’ late? You went out of your way with dinner.”
“Nope,” I replied.
“You lie as easy as you breathe, be honest.”
I stared at him.
“Why would I be upset? Do I seem upset? You said you’d call when you were on your way home. I know you’re busy and you have a lot on your plate. I planned dinner accordingly. Nothing’s going to spoil. Jeez, Lee. I may fib every once in a while, but only when it isn’t important. It’s just dinner, not missing a Led Zeppelin reunion.”
He took a sip of wine and kept watching me.
I scooped out a huge wodge of pie and turned the fork toward him.
“Want some?”
His face changed and he set the wine aside.
“Yeah,” he said, coming toward me.
Holy shit.
I was thinking he wasn’t talking about pie.