Page 23 of Rock Chick Rescue
“I like how you smell,” I told him, just blurted it out like a crazy person.
Once my idiotic comment was uttered, panic started to slice through the Eddie Daze, but he saw it and put his right hand up on a shelf on the other side of me, by my hip, trapping me.
I looked up at him, flight on my mind, but saw his eyes had gone fluid and he looked so flippin’ sexy my bones went fluid too. So much so, I had to grab on to the material of his T-shirt at his abdomen to hold myself up.
His head started to come down, and I swear to God, he was going to kiss me.
“Jet?” It was Indy calling.
I jerked back, hitting the back of my skull on the bookshelf.
When I looked at Eddie, his head was no longer descending, his eyes were closed and I could tell his teeth were clenched again, but he didn’t move away.
“Jet?” Indy called again. Then I heard her say, “Oops! Gosh. Sorry.”
I got up on tiptoe, looked over Eddie’s shoulder and saw Indy and Lee standing at the end of the row.
Lee looked amused. I knew this because he was smiling so much he looked like he was about to burst out laughing.
“Sorry, I wouldn’t interrupt but your dad’s here,” Indy told me.
“Great!” I replied brightly, letting go of Eddie’s shirt and ducking under his arm. “Thanks.”
I got a step away when I was jerked back at the middle. I looked and saw that Eddie had hooked a finger in the belt loop at the back of my jeans.
“Hang on there,chiquita, I’m comin’ with you. I have a few things I’d like to ask your dad.”
I looked up to Eddie. I wasn’t sure I wanted Eddie talking to Dad. “He’s just here for donuts.”
Eddie’s eyes locked on mine. “I could eat a donut.”
I knew he wasn’t talking about donuts. He was talking about giving my dad the same kind of third degree he just gave me.
Eddie jerked again on my belt loop and my shoulder came into contact with his chest.
Then he said in my ear, “We aren’t done.”
A shiver of electricity, starting at my ear, went through my whole body.
I ignored it, and ignored him.
We weresodone. We had to be done. I didn’t have the energy for this, I didn’t have the time for this and anyway, if I went up in flames of passion, who was going to take care of Mom?
Indy and Lee were walking in front of us. Eddie was beside me, his finger still hooked into my belt loop.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” Eddie said, apparently to Lee because Lee answered.
“Come on, tough it up. I had ten years. You’ve had, what? Two months?”
Eddie didn’t respond.
Indy fell back a bit and into step beside me.
“What are they talking about?” I whispered to her.
“You don’t want to know,” she answered.