Page 32 of Marriage By Trial
She snapped as she looked at the man who had attacked her and Noah so viciously. She tore the picture to shreds and let them fall to the floor. She was tired of making excuses for the Luca she once loved.
Luca Donato is the current heir of the Russo family, rising from a ruthless and cruel enforcer. A betrothal agreement was made between Luca and Alessandra Russo to cement his seat at the head of the family after attempts to cause a mistrial for Marcello failed. He has repeatedly abused and attacked Alessandra Russo, and his violence toward women is abhorrent.
Luca’s actual parentage is unknown. It was rumored that he may have been the bastard child of Anthony Russo. Incestuous relationships between cousins of families are not unheard of, but a comparative DNA sample shows no parental match for Donato and Russo. It is likely he was an enforcer’s child.
Threat level A: Donato is ambitious, ruthless, and quick-witted. He will be more powerful than his predecessor.
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Riley Watson:
Alessandra immediately recognized Riley and Drake’s engagement photo. Riley’s blonde hair was pulled back in a sleek updo without a single flyaway. Her lashes were incredibly long, accentuating her blue eyes. Not a single blemish was apparent, thanks to her professionally airbrushed makeup. Her pink-lipped broad smile showed perfectly shaped, white teeth. Everything was flawless about her appearance
Though Alessandra had printed out a few pictures of her with Drake, she bristled with jealousy at missing out on the dating and engagement phase. She knew Drake didn’t love Riley, but the woman was still stuck in their relationship like a thorn, one Alessandra hadn’t been able to remove.
Riley grew up in an upper-class household. Her parents circulated in the same social circles as the Walker family until one bad investment bankrupted the family. The patriarch was never able to recover his fortune.
Bitsy Walker pushed her son, Drake, to rekindle his romantic involvement with the disgraced heiress, which quickly turned into a reluctant engagement of convenience.
With Drake’s blessing, Riley moved to Paris to pursue an art career, promising to return home for their wedding. During this time, the couple maintained little contact as there was no love between them.
Riley accepted a monetary bribe from Anthony Russo to dissolve her engagement before her wedding to Drake Walker. She has since returned from Paris to harass Drake and his current wife.
Her IP address was tracked as part of an investigation that discovered she downloaded ultrasound photos from internet image searches and photoshopped them with her information in an attempt to falsify a pregnancy. No reputable doctor has confirmed pregnancy for Riley Watson. Her motives behind such a ruse remain unclear at this time.
The Walker family has severed ties with the Watsons. She retains no allies from her former life. Her current whereabouts are unknown, but it is likely she has returned to Paris.
Threat level B: She is self-serving, and her motives remain unknown. Her association with the Russo family should not be taken lightly or ignored.
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Alessandra Walker (Russo):
A picture of Alessandra gazing over the lake was paper-clipped to the front of the folder. She stared forlornly into the distance; the breeze coming off the lake caused her auburn hair to billow around her shoulders.
For the life of her, Alessandra couldn’t place herself at that moment. Was this how others truly saw her?
Alessandra is the youngest child of the Russo family. She has a heart the rest of her family lacks. After her mother’s murder, Tony ignored his daughter for most of her early life. She was raised by a series of nannies. Her personal guard, Russell, views the mafia princess as a daughter more than a charge. He has stepped in to protect her as much as possible.
In her teen years, Alessandra hid a romance with Luca Donato. The young lovers made plans to run away together but were caught, at which time Carlo Turelli was brought in to teach her obedience.
At 18, Ms. Russo was assaulted by Luca Donato at her father’s command. This resulted in a pregnancy that she was forced to abort despite her wishes to keep the child. After this, Alessandra spent years being forced to entertain Anthony’s associates until Marcello’s criminal trial began.
Anthony set up a bride swap and married his daughter to Drake Walker. Though the beginning of their marriage was rocky, the couple has grown close.
Updated: Alessandra’s auburn hair and green eyes have raised questions about her parentage. A DNA test has proven there is no familial match between Anthony Russo and Alessandra. She is the biological daughter of Marina and Ronan McGraw. At the present time, it is unknown if McGraw is aware he is Alessandra’s father. Alessandra is unaware of her true parentage.
Threat level E: Despite repeated trauma, Alessandra continues to be compassionate. Due to her desperation for acceptance and love, she is easily manipulated. Her tender heart can be exploited and weaponized.
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The file slipped from Alessandra’s grasp. Finding a dossier on herself in her husband’s office was a slap in the face and a stab to the heart. He had manipulated her feelings to gain intel on her family.
She hated her family, but they were hers. Her father was a heartless bastard who had sold her to the enemy. Luca had raped her and attacked Noah, but at one point, he’d loved her. Marcello was the one person she was able to rely on, even if it was at her father’s orders.
Learning she was the biological daughter of another man—an ally of her father no less—was mind-boggling. Alessandra wondered if her father forced her mother to be with other men as he’d forced her. Did she have an affair? Was she in love with this other man? The years of abuse Alessandra suffered made sense. She was held prisoner in more ways than one.
At that moment, she realized how fucked up her life truly was. As long as she was married to Drake, he was just another man holding the reins, letting her keep her rose-colored blinders. But no more.