Page 74 of Marriage By Trial
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Drake was sure his office and penthouse were under surveillance. They couldn’t meet at Jerry’s home because Alessandra was his guest. Too many people in Jerry’s chambers or office would rouse suspicion.
Everyone gathered at the Walker family Lake Forest family home. Drake stared at the framed family portrait that greeted them in the foyer. He loved his parents, but his situation stirred up resentment, and the sting of past betrayal renewed. The Walkers had accepted Drake and raised him as their own. So his pictures and achievements hung alongside his siblings’ at different ages and stages along the hallway wall.
Alessandra had printed out pictures and added touches that transformed his bachelor pad into their home. Without her, he might as well cease to exist. Drake wondered if he would ever have a home like the one he grew up in. Even without his family, it felt familiar. He had spilled juice on the couch and blamed it on Beth, who was too cute to get in trouble. The growth chart marked him as the tallest until his brother had a final growth spurt and passed him by half an inch, and the smell of his mother’s perfume was so strong he was sure she walked around spraying on every permeable surface.
“Do you know how risky this operation is, Drago? So much hinders on Alessandra’s movements,” Grant said.
“If I readily agree with Enzo’s demands, I can demand a few concessions. One of which will be choosing the officiant—Jerry. He can’t deny Jerry a plus-one invitation for his husband.”
“I don’t like the idea of putting Noah in harm’s way again. He was lucky to survive the attack by Luca.” Jerry voiced his concerns knowing they wouldn’t change the outcome.
“Noah is strong, and we all know he will want to do this for Alessandra,” Grant assured him.
“Miss Russo needs protecting,” Russell, the Russo guard, said.
Russell was the only guard Alessandra ever spoke of fondly. He was the one who protected her when every other male in her life had failed. With Grant’s help, Drake had tracked the unknown sender to him. He’d sent Drake that video clip when Alessandra was in danger to ensure she was found in time.
“You’ve been taking care of Alessandra for years. If she trusts you, so will we. I need you to keep your eyes on her in the chapel. We’ll need you to extract and keep her safe if anything goes wrong,” Drake directed.
“Miss Russo is worth the risk. But you need to be aware of the shitstorm you’re bringing to your front steps. I can give you Tony’s whereabouts, but he won’t miss the chance to come after Enzo. Plus, I can’t give you much intel on the Irish.”
“Marcello is handling Luca by playing on his jealousy and possessiveness. As soon-to-be head of the Russo family, Luca needs to make strategic moves to prove his worth. With the Prazza family hoping to connect its heir to the McGraw family, their strength will be enough to wipe the Russo family out. We have no doubt Tony will make a move here. It’s within his best interests to stop this union,” Grant said.
“This plan must be executed with precision. We have no room for error. Alessandra must be freed from this life. The only way to do it is by making sure Tony and Enzo don’t leave the chapel alive. I need to be armed to protect Alessandra. So God help anyone who tries to harm a single hair on her head.
“She was betrothed to be mine; fate had other plans for us, and it’s time to end this once and for all,” Drake vowed.
The thought of removing his father and father-in-law from play was one thing. But the fantasy of being Alessandra’s hero made him purr inside. Giving his wife her hard-won freedom was the most important thing.
“We have a wedding to plan,” Jerry agreed.
* * *
Drake met his family for dinner and warned them of his risky plan without giving them the dangerous details.
“Are you sure she’s worth it, bro?” Dustin asked. “She can upgrade to a different Walker.”
Drake punched his younger brother in the arm. “Shut up, Dustin! That is my wife you’re talking about. Don’t make me pull out your man bun.”
“I jest—bro code and all that. You need a fucking chill pill or a Midol,” the young Walker said flippantly.
“That’s enough, Dustin. Don’t provoke your brother,” Bitsy admonished her youngest son.
“That is so romantic. I love Alessandra. Just make sure you don’t let her go again, Drake.” Beth sighed. “I hope I can find someone who loves me that much one day.”
“I’m proud of you, son.” Dick put his hand on Drake’s shoulder. “It takes a real man to admit he made a mistake. It takes an even better one to commit to making it right.”
“Promise us you’ll be safe. I don’t want something to happen to you.” Bitsy wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. Clearly, she was thinking of her sister—his mother, Juliana.
“I love her, Ma. I will do everything in my power to protect Alessandra. This is the only way I know how to do it.”
Bitsy embraced Drake and kissed his cheek. “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. You deserve a happy life. That’s all we’ve ever wanted for you.”
* * *
Wednesday night drinks weren’t the same without Alessandra waiting for him to return home. He had no desire to rush back to an empty penthouse.