Page 78 of Marriage By Trial
“Enzo Prazza was also killed in the raid,” Grant announced. “It will take time for the ballistics to return. Luca Donato’s whereabouts are currently unknown.”
Her brain was overstimulated, and her nerves were shot. She couldn’t register Russell’s words. Her father had been killed by her own hand. She stifled a hysterical giggle that bubbled in her throat. She was free. Her eyes met Drake’s. What was the cost?
“What about Marcello?” Alessandra worried her lip.
“I personally saw to arrangements with your brother, Miss Russo. Marcello will be in touch once he is settled.”
“Marcello left the city a few days ago. He helped us set up the sting and lead your father to the chapel,” Jerry reassured her.
“But Papà is dead?” she asked, trying to wrap her head around everything.
“I assure you our intentions were to incapacitate the Russo and Prazza operations. Our primary objective was to capture, not kill. Excessive force is authorized in extreme cases like these only when the safety of our agents or civilians is jeopardized. I’m sorry for your loss,” Grant said.
He was sorry for her loss. But was she? Again that same bubble of hysteria threatened to burst. Russell had taught her how to use a firearm. He’d saved her life over and over again.
“I should leave you now,” Russell said.
Alessandra embraced her guard. “Thank you, Russell.”
“Be well, Miss Russo.” He embraced her back with the care he reserved solely for the daughter he never had.
The men left the room, allowing Alessandra and Drake a moment’s peace. Drake opened his arms in invitation. Without hesitation, she climbed into bed with Drake and curled up against his side. It had only been a week, but it felt like an eternity. Drake’s touch was the soothing balm her wounded heart needed.
“I missed this.” Drake sighed.
“I missed this too.” She sniffled. “I thought I’d lost you, Drake.”
“We’re free now. We can be together again if that’s what you want.”
Alessandra couldn’t give her answer. She wanted to say yes, but there was a lot more behind it they hadn’t addressed.
“I’m sorry about your father,” she whispered.
“Don’t be. He might’ve been my biological father, but I hated the fucking bastard. He got nothing short of what he deserved. I’m sorry about Tony.”
Alessandra wanted to echo Drake’s angry sentiment. But she found herself unable to do so.
“I killed him, Drake.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Six Months Later
In the wake of Anthony and Enzo’s deaths, internal power struggles ensued among the families. More witnesses came forward to tell their stories, leading to numerous arrests. More deaths arose as underbosses fought against consiglieres and lieutenants.
Everyone wanted a piece of Tony Russo’s estate, but Tony had willed everything to Alessandra, which distressed and devastated her. She couldn’t return to that home and immediately put it on the market. She ensured the guard who had protected her for years and his family were cared for. Russell hugged her as she cried and promised he was only ever a phone call away.
She donated half the money to the Legal Action League that Drake was passionate about helping. She requested the donation be made anonymously so he wouldn’t find out.
She purchased a two-bedroom condo and had plenty to comfortably live off. She invested a bit and put money aside into a trust.
Marcello didn’t fight for a single penny, even though he was Anthony Russo’s only biological child. He said Alessandra deserved it after everything Tony had done to her. It didn’t sit well with Alessandra, so she set up an account for him, gave him the information, and never looked at the balance again.
Marcello was studying to become a mechanic. He was given a second chance and wouldn’t waste a single moment. Working with his hands was his true calling, he’d told her. He took an apprenticeship in a garage and was happy.