Page 103 of Vow To The Devil
Genuinely perplexed, I let this moment stretch on a little longer, frozen in time, before the chaos intrudes once more.
I step into the room quietly, not wanting to disturb Solana's drowsy state. Remy's eyes flick up at my entrance and he gives me a nod in greeting but keeps reading in a hushed tone.
I sink down onto the sofa opposite them, watching my grandfather's weathered hand stroke Solana's hair. He's capable of physical intimacy with someone who has been a part of our family for mere months. Where Remy seemed unable to deal with Burn and I whenever we scraped a knee or told him about a school bully.
Talia was right all along. People apparently can change. Even the surliest old men can show a softer side if given enough room for improvement. I'm startled, but I try to hide it.
When he finishes the tale, Remy closes the book and looks up.
"How are you holding up, Remy?" I ask in a whisper.
"Tolerably well," he replies. "Though I can't figure out what these young kids are talking about. Solana told me a long story about robot dogs that are police officers. Something about paw scouts? Christ, what does that even mean?"
I smother a smile. "Yeah. She's been really into this cartoon lately."
He flaps his hand. "It's insane. She needs to go outside more."
"It's cold and rainy outside today. Or else the kids would be out there exploring with one of the nannies, I'm sure."
Remyhmphs. "Well, I guess Solana doesn't need to catch a cold. Right?"
He looks at Solana, who nods drowsily.
I purse my lips and engage Remy carefully. "Thank you for keeping her busy today. I know it's a lot, having all of us invading your home."
Remy's mouth turns down at the corners. "You didn't give me much of a choice, Dare. Still, it'll be good to have children running about again." His eyes crinkle with warmth. "This old place could use some fresh air circulating around inside it again."
My stern grandfather isn't normally one for sentimentality, so I'm absolutely stunned at his words. My mouth opens and closes a few times before I get a grip.
"I think moving here with the children from Hope House is going to be a huge change for all of us. But maybe... maybe it will give us a chance to reconnect," I tell him sincerely. "I want you to know..." I pause, hesitating before my next words. "I love you, Remy. And I think if you act like this, everyone else will, too."
Remy blinks rapidly and looks down at Solana. When he meets my gaze again, his eyes are bright.
"I love you, too, my boy." His voice is gruff with suppressed emotion. "I'm glad you're all here."
He strokes Solana's hair, and she burrows deeper into the recesses of his lap.
We share a smile, this simple admission meaning the world to me. In Solana, Remy has found unexpected joy.
The chaos envelops me as soon as I step out of the quiet respite of Remy's study. Children dart through the halls, weaving between movers hauling furniture.
"Watch it!" a burly man bellows as two young boys nearly crash into his legs.
The boys ignore him, laughing as they race each other down the corridor. I watch them fondly before turning to survey the controlled madness.
Boxes line the walls, contents spewing forth. The air is thick with dust motes swirling in the streams of sunlight. Snippets of conversation fill the space.
"No, no, that box says 'Kitchen'! So take it to the kitchen, for god's sake!" Magda's accented voice rings out.
"Has anyone seen my dinosaur?" a little girl wails.
"Right here!" shouts a boy.
Glass shatters, followed by a muffled curse.
I smile. This is insanity. But it's my life now.
Walking down the grand staircase, I head to find my wife, unable to keep the grin from my face.