Page 16 of Vow To The Devil
When I got up this morning, I found that I can no longer run. I can’t really walk properly either, truth be told. I’m officially so pregnant that I hobble everywhere. My belly is this undeniable weight that puts immense pressure on all my internal organs and makes my back hurt with the strain of constantly carrying a bowling ball around.
I’m pretty sure that by the time that this baby is born, I will be the size of a planet and exert my own gravitational pull.
So I am moving pretty slowly as I climb out of the back of my chauffeured SUV. I have to accept the bodyguard’s hand as I shuffle out onto the ground and let him stabilize me for a second.
“Thanks,” I say. It sounds like a complaint coming from my lips, but Igor says nothing. He follows me closely as I approach the horse riding ring. The familiar scent of leather and hay fills my nose as I walk through the swinging wooden doors of the stables.
Olive spots me first, dropping the bridle she's scrubbing to pull me into a hug. "Talia, thank God. I was so worried when you disappeared."
Her arms tighten around my swollen belly and the baby kicks in response. I hug her back, breathing in the comfort of our friendship. "We're fine. Just had some things to work out. I would’ve visited you sooner, but I was called to Hope House to deal with a minor emergency. What can you do?"
She pulls back, eyeing me with concern. "You can tell me about it while we clean the tack. I've got a pile here with your name on it."
“Well…” I settle onto a hay bale and pick up a dirty bridle, the stiff bristles of the brush scraping away years of built up grime. "The gist of my disappearance is that Burn knows about the baby. That he’s the biological father, I mean."
Olive's eyes widen. "Shit. I didn't see that one coming." She shakes her head and sighs. "How did he find out?"
“He did the math, I think. Plus he had some photos that we all took that night. I don’t remember getting in a photobooth, but apparently we did.”
Olive squints. “I do remember something like that, now that you mention it. How did Burn react?”
"He was furious that I didn't tell him. Now I’m afraid that he’ll want to be a part of my daughter’s life." I work the brush in angry strokes. "I can’t handle the idea of sharing custody. And what if we don’t agree about something big? What if he tries to take the baby away from us?"
"Don't borrow trouble." Olive's voice is firm. "You're putting the cart before the horse. For now, focus on you and the baby. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."
The brush slips in my grip, falling to the floor. Olive is right. I've been so worried about Burn that I've forgotten to enjoy this pregnancy, savor each kick and roll of our child. I place my palm on the taut skin of my belly, warmth and life pulsing under my hand.
Ourbaby. Mine and Dare's.
Burn will not take that away from us.
Olive smiles, patting my knee. "That's the spirit. Chin up, Talia. This too shall pass."
The baby kicks again and I smile back at my best friend. Together, we turn back to the tack, the familiar rhythm of cleaning bridles and bits settling my nerves. Our lives may change, yes. But here, in this place of childhood memories, I find my strength again.
The scent of horse feed and manure is soothing, transporting me back to carefree summer days at the stables. Olive and I spent hours here as girls, grooming horses for lessons we couldn't afford, our laughter echoing off the wooden rafters.
I run a hand along a saddle, the well-worn leather soft as velvet. "Do you remember when we convinced the stable hand to let us ride Lemon and Duchess without supervision?"
Olive snorts. "As if I could forget. We were barely eight years old and thought we knew everything about horses. Gina nearly had a heart attack when she found out."
"We rode bareback, too, with only halters for reins." I shake my head at our foolishness. "It's a miracle we didn't break our necks."
"We thought we were such rebels." Olive's eyes crinkle with mirth. "And when we were a bit older, all those hours we spent mucking out stalls to earn riding time. I still hate the smell of manure."
I laugh. "Now look at us. You’re in charge of a lab and running Minnie’s store. I’m going to have a baby and for the first time, I’m not terrified. Somehow, we are both still finding our way back to the stables."
Olive slings an arm around my shoulders, and I lean into her familiar warmth. "Some things never change. Like our friendship--and this place. No matter what happens, the stables will always be our sanctuary."
Her words resonate within me and I cling to them like a lifeline. She's right. The stables are woven into the fabric of my childhood, a reminder of joy and adventure, and the bonds that sustain us through every trial.
Our lives may shift and change but here, I will always find my way home.
Olive presses a kiss to my temple. "Think of all the happy moments we have to look forward to. Soon we'll have a sweet baby to cuddle and spoil. I can’t wait for all the joy she’ll bring into our lives."
Her words lift my spirits and I smile through my tears. "You'll be the best auntie ever. I'm so lucky to have you."
"Nonsense. I'm the lucky one." Olive pulls back to beam at me, her eyes suspiciously bright. "What else are best friends for if not to share in life's greatest adventures?"