Page 38 of Vow To The Devil
"It's funny. I had anything and everything my heart desired - ice cream for breakfast, the best bikes money can buy, an entire palace worth of clothes. When I got old enough, I had a fleet of cars and a yacht, too. But all of it feels... empty. My parents and Remy showered Burn and I with gifts. But they never spent much time with us. When they did, it was a boring business event where they talked to other adults. There were a lot of suits and ties in my childhood."
He absently runs his fingers around his throat, under the collar of his shirt. His tie is gone now but I can see his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows; is he remembering the feeling of a tie around his neck?
I pull Dare's hand to my chest, lacing my fingers with his as I press the back of his hand against my heart. He glances at me as if he'd forgotten for a moment that I was even here and smiles guiltily.
"I guess I shouldn't be complaining about never having to think about money."
My mouth curves up in a gentle smile. "I'll allow it this once."
"It's stupid to feel deprived."
I shrug. "It sounds like you needed someone to really care for you and comfort you. I'm sorry that you went through that. But having lived the experience, you can decide that you're going to raise your daughter differently."
Dare's gaze flits away for a second. His throat works and for a second, I think he's going to say something raw and emotional. But he seems to tamp down on whatever grief he is feeling.
He clears his throat and changes the subject. He rubs his hand over my belly, eliciting a kick. I make a face because the baby just jabbed my kidney. But Dare's gaze is fixed on my belly.
"She's got quite the pair of legs already," Dare murmurs, awe softening his tone as our daughter unleashes another flurry of kicks. "I can tell she's going to be a fighter, just like her mother."
"Hopefully not too strong-willed," I laugh. "Between the two of us, this little girl won't stand a chance at reasonable behavior."
"She'll be perfect," he insists, eyes glowing with pride and love. Then his expression sobers, and a shadow crosses his face. "My childhood was very different. Burn and I had every toy and luxury a child could dream of, but money can't buy happiness. Or love."
I lace my fingers through his, offering comfort. "You have love now. A family who will cherish you for the amazing man you are, not for your bank account or fancy cars."
"You're right." He lifts my hand to his lips, brushing a soft kiss over my knuckles. "I only wish I'd found you both sooner, so I could have spared you years of hardship and struggle."
"All that matters now is building a future together. Our daughter will never want for anything, especially not affection and care. You're going to be an amazing father, Dare Morgan. I can feel it in my soul."
"I think our daughter will be born lucky."
I swallow hard. "You know, I never thought I'd have this. A real family, and a man who loves me for who I am."
Dare cups my face, his gaze intense. "You deserve every happiness in the world, Talia. And I will spend the rest of my life ensuring you have it."
His words pierce my heart, unleashing a swell of emotion.
When the storm passes, I draw a shaky breath and wipe my eyes. "I'm sorry. Hormones again. They are kicking my ass today."
"Don't apologize." Dare kisses my forehead, hands gliding in slow circles over my back. "You have nothing to hide from me, Talia. I want all of you. Everything that makes you who you are."
I smile up at him, tracing the strong line of his jaw. "And you have all of me. Today, tomorrow, forever."
"Forever," he echoes, claiming my lips in a tender kiss.
I find myself thinking that maybe this could work, though there are enormous differences between us. Dare grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, lavished with every luxury money could buy, while I struggled each day just to survive. He wields power and influence like a natural-born king, accustomed to having the world bend to his whim, whereas I've spent my life battling for each hard-won scrap.
And yet, in some ways, we are two sides of the same coin. Orphans both, denied the one thing every child craves most: a mother's love.
Our little girl will have the attention that we both craved as children, if it's the very last thing I do on this Earth.
The amber liquid burns down my throat as I swallow hard. I grip the glass tight, knuckles white, and signal the bartender for another. He nods, used to men drowning sorrows in overpriced whisky at this upscale bar.
I came to Herbsaint to get away, to think, but her voice echoes in my head."Forgive your brother, Dare. Please, for me. He's family.”