Page 95 of Vow To The Devil
"And you'll be a wonderful mother," he says. "I can't wait to add to our family together."
Our tender moment is interrupted by the waiter delivering our entrees. As we eat, we chat about Dare's recent visits to the estate and finalizing plans for the nursery. He seems more preoccupied with the impending birth than I am, eager to ensure everything is perfect.
Between bites, we steal kisses and whisper sweet nothings. His leg presses against mine under the table, our passion still burning despite my bulging belly between us.
"Maybe we should skip dessert and head home for our own private celebration," Dare suggests, desire darkening his eyes.
I swat his arm playfully. "Is that all you think about?"
"Only when it comes to you, darling girl," he says with an impish grin.
Our flirtatious banter is interrupted when a sharp pang seizes my stomach. I gasp, gripping the table.
Dare is at my side in an instant. His face creases with worry. "Talia! What's wrong?"
Before I can respond, I feel a rush of warm liquid between my legs. Our eyes meet with a dawning realization.
"I think... I think that my water just broke," I breathe. "Oh my god. I got it all over the restaurant's booth."
"Don't worry about that right now." He whips out a wad of bills and peels several off, dropping them on the table. "Let's go."
I grip Dare's hand, overcome by a wave of nerves and excitement as another contraction rips through me. He rubs my shoulders soothingly, murmuring words of encouragement, though his furrowed brow betrays his own anxiety.
"Just breathe, Talia. I'll get you to the birthing center," he says."Just like we practiced."
I nod, focusing on my breathing as we hurry out of the restaurant. The valet rushes to bring Dare's car around while curious diners stare. I'm too distracted to care, consumed by the increasing urgency of my contractions.
Dare helps me into the passenger seat, then races around to the driver's side. As we speed away, I stare out at the city lights blurring past, one hand resting protectively on my belly. After so many months of waiting, it's finally time to meet our baby.
I'm more terrified than I think I've ever been about anything in my whole life. But the thought is soon erased by another contraction.
"Oh, fuck!" I wheeze.
"You're doing amazing, Talia," Dare says, reaching over to squeeze my hand. "We'll be there soon."
I smile tightly, sweat beading my forehead as another contraction builds. The pain is intense, but it fills me with purpose. My body knows what to do.
I take a deep breath as we pull up to the birthing center, its warm lights welcoming in the darkness. Dare helps me out of the car, keeping one arm wrapped firmly around my waist for support. We make our way inside, where nurses are already waiting with a wheelchair.
"Your room is all ready, Mrs. Morgan," one says kindly as she helps me sit.
I sigh in relief, beyond ready to lie down. As they wheel me swiftly through the halls, I catch glimpses of other laboring mothers, some pacing, others moaning through contractions. It's comforting to know I'm not alone.
Once settled into my private room, I change into a gown while Dare speaks with the midwife. Though he's trying to hide it, I can tell he's anxious. This is all still so new for him.
For both of us, really.
When a strong contraction hits, Dare rushes to my side. I grip his hand tightly, focusing on my breathing as he coaches me through it. His calm strength helps temper the rising waves of pain.
"You're so brave, Talia," he murmurs, brushing damp hair back from my forehead after it passes. "I'm right here with you."
Despite everything, I smile up at him. "We're going to meet our baby soon," I whisper.
Dare grins, eyes full of awe and excitement. "I can't wait to hold you both in my arms." He kisses me tenderly.
I take a deep breath as another contraction builds, trying to stay relaxed. Dare keeps a steady grip on my hand, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Breathe through it," he coaches. "That's've got this."