Page 11 of Tryst
Baby it’s been 4 days
Talk to me
I’m sorry
It was just that one time
You know I love you
It’ll never happen again
Please answer me
No one has heard from you in days
I’m worried
Izzy please come back to the apartment
I want to explain
I’m sorry
It was stupid
I feel horrible.
Tossing my phone on the bed, I grab my suitcase and a laundry bag from the closet. Shoving my wet suit in the bag, I sling it into my suitcase. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, I change out of Alex’s clothes. Not knowing what to do with them, I decide to pack it in my bag with the rest of my things.
I guess I’ll get it back to him at some point.
Just as I’m finishing, there’s a knock at the door.
“Miss,” he knocks again, “Mr. Marcano sent me to collect you and your belongings.”
Collect my belongings? Who says that?
Opening the door, Andres is standing in the hallway. Unlike his scruffy attire last night, today he is in dress slacks and a button-up shirt. The only thing marring his perfect appearance is the large bruise running along his left jaw.
Allowing him in, he looks surprised, “Just the one bag?”
“He got stuck on a business call and he’s going to meet us in the lobby,” he grabs my suitcase, “Are you ready to go?”
Taking a quick look around the room to ensure I didn’t forget anything, I nod at him and he heads to the door to call the elevator. When it arrives, we both step inside. It is silent when the doors close.
“This isn’t going to be like that Claire Dane’s movie,” I begin talking of the first thing I think of, “You know,Brokedown Palace?”
“Miss?” He fidgets as though I have suddenly made him uncomfortable.
“You know? Girl meets guy on tropical vacation. Guy puts drugs in her bag, and she winds up spending years in some foreign prison.”