Page 34 of Tryst
They all stare back at me, knowing full well the punishment for disrespecting or failing me. “Split it between the cars and offload at the locations A provided you. Understood?”
Nods and a choir of, “Yes, boss” echo back at me.
In my gut, something feels off about today. I shift my gait and eye my surroundings carefully. While I don’t see anything out of the ordinary, I can’t shake this feeling that something about this shipment isn’t right.
The metal shipping container is dropped on the dock and my men are immediately cutting the lock to gain access to my thousand kilos of cocaine. The moment the doors are open, they begin filing in to move the product to their awaiting cars.
“DEA,” a voice bellows from behind me, “Freeze.”.
Andres must see them first because he raises his gun around me and fires. Raising the shotgun, I don’t have time to turn before I hear shots fired back in our direction. A searing pain stabs through my shoulder and knocks me off balance.
“Son of a fucking bitch,” I grit through my teeth at the pain radiating through my shoulder and down my arm.
Spinning around, I squeeze the trigger to the shotgun and unload every shell into the men standing before me. Dropping it to the ground, I pull the Luger from the waistband of my pants. I try to take cover behind the door of the storage container while firing off shots.
My men are dropping to the ground nearly as fast as the DEA Agents.
Through the gun fight, I watch several of my vehicles flee the docks, getting my shipment out of here.
Heaven help the man who leads the DEA back to one of my warehouses.
Firing off a final shot, I kill the last of the agents, before collapsing to the ground.
“Boss,” Andres grabs me under the arm and yanks me from my knees to my feet, “Fuck, boss.”
His hand presses against my stomach, and I look down to realize I took two additional bullets in my flank. It’s hard to notice, I’m dressed in only the black material, but my sweatshirt is saturated with my blood.
“We gotta get you to a hospital,” Eduardo rushes to help Andres get me into the car.
“Fuck that,” I groan through the pain, “take my phone. Call el doctor. Have him come to the apartment.”
Sitting in the backseat with Andres’s hands pressing against my wounds, gushing with every pump of my heart, things begin to grow hazy. Only small recollections of the drive are present.
Opening my eyes, I grunt as Andres and Eduardo drop me onto the small kitchenette table in my empty apartment.
This isn’t fucking good…
The searing pain is fading, and keeping my eyes open is increasingly becoming a challenge.
“Cerecita,” I groan, “Get Isabella.”
“Boss?” Andres questions, knowing that she has not been made privy to this side of my life.
“Get her,” I struggle to push out the words, “I won’t die without saying goodbye to her.”
twenty four
The sun is just starting to shine through the bedroom windows, slowly waking me from my sleep. Stretching out my arm for Alex, I remember he said he had to leave early this morning. I hear a familiar voice yelling from the living room just as I was thinking about going back to sleep,
“Mrs. Marcano. Isabella?” I realize they sound panicked, “Ma’am? Alejandro needs you ma’am.”
What could Alex possibly need me for at this hour?