Page 112 of Savage King
“What?” My stomach turns over. “You tried to rape my mother?”
Ivan pushes him and stands in front of me. “You’re a sick bastard.”
“Deal’s a deal, Ivan. You get her pregnant and marry her, but behind closed doors, you’re mine,mia cara.”
Ivan grabs Dante’s knife and slices through the ropes around my calves. “I’m sorry, Izzy. Really. I liked you. I wanted us to have a shot. I know your father made a deal with Kieran to marry you. And I don’t care if you’re not a virgin anymore. It’s best if you’re my wife. Once you’re pregnant, it will be okay.” He whispers, “I’ll assign my best guard to you. Your uncle won’t get near you.”
That means Kieran can never rescue me either. That crushes me, and I can’t breathe all over again. When Ivan grabs my arm, I start to cry. If he gets me pregnant, I’ll lose Kieran forever.
Ivan gently pulls me from the chair and carries me a few short feet, but it feels like forever. When he lowers me onto the mattress, it turns so real so fast that uncontrollable fury erupts inside me. Ivan’s touch makes me convulse to the point my insides protest, and I projectile vomit all over the mattress. I haven’t eaten in days because they kept me drugged, so it’s all smelly, yellow bile.
“Fuck!” Uncle Dante storms over and smacks me in the face again. “You dumb little bitch.” He yanks me by my hair. My feet, devoid of rope but rubbery from days of unuse, struggle to keep up as he drags me back to the metal café chair. He dumps me into the seat, and it nearly falls over.
“Now clean up the bed,” he orders Ivan.
“Fuck you. You clean it. You wanted me to rape her here. I told you…” Ivan’s words melt into a blur as they go back to the bickering I first heard.
“Looks like you’re gonna fuck her on the floor, then,” Dante sneers, and takes out his gun this time. “Do it, or I shoot you and find some other male in your bloodline. Do you think your uncle cares aboutyou?”
Takes one evil uncle to know one. Shit, I can’t believe this is happening.
Ivan lifts me again from the chair and lays me out on the floor. It’s cold and dirty. The smell is overwhelmingly rancid.
“Izzy, remember we had plans, you and me,” Ivan whispers. “You wanted to be with me. You wanted me to be your husband, your first. Don’t make me force you.”
“I know. But now I love Kieran. I want my husband,” I sob, watching Ivan unbuckle his jeans. “Please get me out of here. Kieran will protect you for saving me, I promise.”
“No, not after that night at your house.” He lies on top of me.
“I have power.” I pin my legs together. “Kieran will give me whatever I want.” So long as I give him what he wants. A baby. I’ll give him a child if it will save his family from being slaughtered by my uncle and the Russians. If it will bring the Cosa Nostra to my side.
It happens so fast. Ivan pulls my panties down and lifts my right leg. Next, the head of his cock bumps against my entrance. It’s cold. Ice-cold. But also feels slick. That’s impossible. I’m not turned on. I’m full of disgust and crippled with horror. So why am I wet?
“Fuck,” Ivan blurts, and pushes my leg down.
“What is it, limp dick?” Uncle Dante hisses, with the gun pointed at us.
“She’s bleeding.” Ivan sits up and shoves his dick into his pants. “Put that fucking gun away.”
Blood? I’m bleeding? “You waited too long,” I sneer as the pain grows more and more intense, my womb throbbing. “I need more water. I need something to eat, you assholes.”
“Don’t talk to me that way. I’m trying to help you,” Ivan snaps at me.
“I’m in pain,” I bark. It’s a dull ache that lives with me now. “My head. These cramps. My back. My wrists are raw. Untie my hands. Please!”
Ivan cleans the bed and lays me out on it with a towel under me. But it keeps soaking with my blood. He tries again, but he does go limp this time.
Dante yanks him off me and sticks a gun in his face. Bloodlust burns in my uncle’s eyes.
“Your men may forgive you for killing my father,” I choke out to him, trying to save Ivan, who is my only hope for survival. “But you can’t kill the next in line to rule the Bratva.”
“Oh, yeah?” Snickering at Ivan, Dante pulls the trigger like it’s nothing. “Watch me.”
Ivan falls to the ground and doesn’t move.
“No!” I struggle to get off the bed, but every corner of my body aches, and I’m dizzy. “You bastard!”