Page 115 of Savage King
“This is for kidnapping my wife and keeping her in this disgusting basement.” I swing the bat out of blind rage, not giving a fuck about the consequences.
“This is for finding her a bloody, broken mess.”
“This is for all those cuts on her legs and your fucking handprint on her face.”
“She’s half-naked.”
“You were on top of her, unbuckling your pants, you vile scum.”
A thunderclap of noise buzzes in my ears. It’s a cocktail of my savage roaring with every swing of this bat and the cracking of Dante’s skull. I’m snarling with rage when a hand rests on my shoulders, and I think it’s Lachlan, Riordan, or Ewan. Dante is toast. His head split open.
I glance over my shoulder to see it’s mywifewho had the courage to stop me. She stands there, beaten up, hobbling, blood dripping down her legs.Sheneeds me.
Dropping the bat, I pull her into my arms, but she collapses.
I stare at the doctor, who’s spewing words from his ugly mouth, but I can’t hear him. My brain won’t allow it.
“I’m sorry, Mr. O’Rourke, there was nothing we could do for your wife.” He folds his arms, and I think of Darragh, my younger brother. Why only Darragh, I don’t know. Cormac is his identical twin, but he’s not as serious as Darragh.
“No,” I manage through a tight throat. “This isn’t happening.” My brain is misfiring because I just got awful news, and I don’t know how to process. I can’t believe I’m here again.
“Really? Nothing?” Riordan asks from my six, ready to catch me, to cover for me. Like a good underboss should.
That takes on a whole new meaning after what we witnessed six hours ago.
“There was too much blood,” the doctor adds with little emotion.
My heart pounds in my throat, and I’m ready to throw up. “Can I… Can I see her?”
“Sure.” The doctor eyes me cautiously, noticing I’m covered in blood, too.
Lachlan and Ewan are talking to the administrator, who immediately tried to call the cops when we showed up with Isabella unconscious, beaten, cut up, and bleeding. They’re giving the hospital an altered version of what happened. Mostly trying to keep my ass from being arrested.
I take a breath and step behind the curtain.
Isabella’s cheek is twice the size, and her lip is split. They took the oxygen mask off, and she looks peaceful. I wonder if she knew. There was such little time to speak.
Shaking, I slide my hand in hers, and Jaysus, it’s ice cold.
I feel Riordan behind me, but he’s giving me space.