Page 30 of Savage King
It hits me like a freight train. I see myself entering her. Her beneath me. Me taking her from behind. Her on top of me. Having that control over me. Me wanting to be insideher.Only her.
It’s too startling, too soon, and I don’t know if I like it.
“We got what we needed.” The photographers gather their few pieces of equipment and shuffle out of the room.
Our eyes don’t budge, and I’m ready to either kiss her again or drag her over to that sofa and penetrate her. At the same time, I want to leave her here and call the whole thing off.
My heart is crashing. I’m in a free fall. This isn’t right. Isabella’s soft, sweet lips and her innocence, mixed with mischief, make me think Norah might be sitting up there looking down at me and laughing her ass off at how I don’t know what the fuck to do.
I can’t do thissits on the tip of my tongue when I see that the tall, blond man hadn’t left. He’s walking toward me with purpose.
I hold my head up high. “What the fuck do you want, you dosser?”
He says nothing, but a shine reflects in his hand.
A blade.
This prick is coming at me with a knife.
Not at me…
At Isabella.
“ThatisonedeadRussian,” Lachlan says as someone on his cleanup team wraps up the body. “Nice shot.”
“Thanks,” Kieran says, staring at the gun sitting on the carpet.
Riordan and Ewan Quinlan are talking to the dress shop owner, dolling out cash to pay for the rugs to be cleaned and to keep their mouths shut, while Balor erases their surveillance tapes.
I sit on a folding chair, shaking, still wearing the blue coat dress, although it’s covered in blood. I just witnessed a murder. My first. Shocking, considering who my father is.
Kieran paces, slipping me looks that kill me. He’s not marrying me for love. This is a business arrangement. And he just unloaded his clip into a man rushing at his forced fiancée with a knife.
“One thing is certain,” Kieran says to Lachlan, but his eyes are on me, “no showboat wedding. I don’t know who to fucking trust anymore. We get married in the city council’s office. Today.”
“Today?” I shriek, feeling the walls close in around me, my plan to escape dying in front of my eyes.
That’s the end of my freedom, for sure. I still had hope, despite playing along. It was an act. Part of it, anyway. Not how I reacted when he kissed me.Thatwas real. At least I enjoyed it. Really enjoyed it. Okay, my panties got downright soaked when he kissed me.
“Ma and Da are still away,” Lachlan says, with no emotion.
Time, that buys me time. “My father needs to be there, too. I’m sure he can’t just drop everything.”
“Fine.” Kieran’s stare penetrates me. “Tomorrow.Call your father. Now.”
“Um…” I have my new phone, but I can’t move. “The phone is in my bag.”
Kieran roughly pulls out his cell from his suit jacket that is also covered in the Russian’s blood. It’s lying on the floor and needs to be burned, along with a dress that’s not even mine. He unlocks the phone and hands it to me.
I bring up the call icon. Staring at the keypad, I mutter, “I don’t know his number by heart.” Now I feel like the stupid, helpless, useless girl I swore I wasn’t a week ago. Worse. Now, I’m a liability.
Kieran stomps back to me and takes a moment to really look me over. His sad eyes finally register that I’m a mess. But I see that he’s wrecked, too.
We’re in this together…