Page 51 of Savage King
“Aye.” Her brogue is richer than mine, and nowhere near as Americanized. “You.”
“I know I told Isabella I was going.”
She quirks an eyebrow and flaps a finger at me. “And did you word it exactlythatway to her?”
“What difference does it—” I stop. I told herIwas going. Notwe. I close my eyes, ready to scream. “I just got married two weeks ago.Weisn’t tattooed on my brain yet. She should have known.”
“Evidently, she didn’t. And if she did—” Patricia stops and covers her mouth.
“Don’t stop now, Nanny Dearest,” I tease her since she used to be Darragh and Cormac’s nanny. “What were you going to say?”
“Have you not figured out that your wife has a massive crush on you?” She looks ready to slap me harder than my mother did. “If she thought for a minute she was invited, she’d be in the car already, you git.”
“Fine. Point taken.” I scowl at her. “And don’t call me a git.”
She just smiles and gets back on the phone.
I call Isabella’s cell and breathe in relief when it rings. Since I wasn’t here, I have no idea what she wore to her student group meeting. I’ll have Patricia pack up a dress and some makeup for her so she can get ready in the car. I’ll pick her up wherever she is in Manhattan.
Only, the call goes to voicemail.
Next, I call Christian, who answers right away, but he’s breathing heavily. “Sir.”
“Sir? Christian, where is Isabella?”
“I tried calling Lachlan, then Ewan Quinlan, who your brother said to call when there’s an issue.”
I freeze. “There’san issue?” I don’t have time to argue with that shite escalation process. True, our bodyguards report to Lachlan, and they’re hired as contractors by Ewan’s investigation firm. Only, Lachlan is covered in blood in a warehouse, and Ewan is in Ireland. “Where’smy wife?”
“Sir, I don’t know.”
My throat tightens. “Youdon’tknow?”
“No. She asked me to wait outside the coffee bar since it was small, and she said I was hovering.”
“She gave me the slip, sir. I’m not proud of this. I… I didn’t know what else to do. I kept out front like she asked me. The coffee bar seemed safe. When the couple she met with left, I went inside to get her. I waited a few minutes, then went into the ladies’ room. The window was open. A girl was standing there, and she handed me a note from Mrs. O’Rourke that said she wanted time to herself and that she promised to call me in a few hours to pick her up. Sir, this has never happened to me before. I didn’t know what to do.” He gets all of that out in practically one breath, his voice panicked.
“Why didn’t you callme?” I grind out between my teeth.
“Lachlan’s my boss, sir. I lefthima message.”
I’m sure Lachlan tells the guards never to call me, but I’m ready to explode. This isn’t his first gig. He knows he’s in trouble. I’ve not had to kill a bodyguard before. No one’s ever fucked up like this. My father killed one once… Someone who let Balor get the crap beat out of him at MIT. I remember the mixture of emotions when I found out. I saw red that my little brother was hurt, but five guys went after him. How was one bodyguard supposed to fight five guys without emptying a clip into their chests?
My head is spinning, and I have to calm down. “Christian, did she leave anything behind?” A window… She escaped out a window.
“No, sir. I downloaded an app to find her phone, but it’s not working right. Sir, I’mtryingto find her.”
For a second, I calm down because she wasn’t grabbed. No, she willingly escaped. But why?
Your wife has a massive crush on you.
“Christian, listen to me. You call Lachlan’s service and talk to Andre. I need a team combing Manhattan. Find. My. Wife.”
“Yes, sir.”
I hang up.