Page 54 of Savage King
Christian won’t rat me out because he’ll get in trouble, too. It will be a test if I can trust him.
“Do you want something else to drink?” Samantha asks me.
I think about the Irish whiskey my husband drinks. It smells good in his glass when he passes me in the house, holding it to his lips. “Maybe a shot of whiskey when this is done.”
“Whiskey is disgusting,” Ginna barks.
Samantha rolls her eyes. “Ignore her. So, tell me, how is being married to the Irish king?”
I spin my marriage in the most positive light. Enough so they don’t worry about me living with a savage. But indulge in enough of his scary habits to stop any ideas forming in the Italians’ heads that he can be trifled with.
Ginna, who I didn’t think was listening, says, “Is he good in bed?”
Heat rises in my neck from shame that Kieran, who by any standard is a god, hasn’t wanted to sleep with me yet. Playing Gi’s game, I bite my lip and sip my champagne.
“He is fucking hot,” she says. Just not with theyou go girlintonation but something darker, something that reeks of mean-spirited jealousy.
“Oooo,” Samantha squeals when the opening notes of a song start. She grabs my hand. “I love this song. Let’s dance.”
Glancing down at the bodies below, I’m more hesitant than excited to wedge myself into a mosh pit. But it’s Sam’s birthday, so I finish my drink. With her hand in mine, off we go.
Ginna just rolls her eyes.
“What’s wrong with her?” I yell to Samantha over the music when we get a good distance away. “Is she on the rag or something?”
“I don’t know.” Samantha shrugs. “Maybe she is.”
Ginna must be on her period three out of four weeks a month. She’s always prickly. But I grew up with her and Samantha. Friends are hard to make the older I get. So, I put up with her nonsense.
The dancefloor is jammed, but Samantha and I find an empty pocket and move to the beat. I close my eyes and let the rhythm take me to a place far away from my real world. This whole night, the risk I took was to forget reality and feel free for a couple of hours.
As I move my hips, big, meaty hands close around my waist. For a split second, I think it’s Kieran. I’m both thrilled and terrified. I spin around, and the man standing there peers down at me.
Not Kieran.
“Turn back around, beautiful. Let me feel that ass against my cock,” he whispers in my ear.
I lurch back, the weight of the commitment I made to Kieran driving me. I hold up my hand. “I’m married. I suggest you back off.”
“Then why are you here shaking those big tits?” His eyes land on my chest.
“It’s called dancing. Girls are allowed to dance by themselves.” I consider name-dropping my husband, but that can backfire.
Samantha dances with two guys, looking like she’s having a great time, so I turn and push my way through the crowd to leave. As glad as I am to be out, it feels wrong. Ginna is too pissy, and Sam is in her own world. I should be home. I put Christian at risk. I put myself at risk. Kieran’s trust anyway.
“Where are you going, you little tease?” The man pulls my hips again.
I push his chest, but he’s made of muscle. I certainly didn’t hurt him, but he sneers like he didn’t care for me getting aggressive. How ironic.
His eyes get beady, and he lifts his hand, ready to strike me. I’m wedged in here. I can’t move. I’m transfixed and triggered by Papa hitting me. I brace myself for the blow.
A hand closes around the man’s fist, and he drops to his knees, squealing in pain. I think it’s a bouncer, but then I see that hand is attached to a crisp white sleeve with diamond cufflinks. My eyes follow the onyx black coat of a very expensive tuxedo right up to a pair of muscular arms and those broad shoulders I’d know anywhere.
My heart drops at the look of murder in his eyes, holding this man’s fist. The music is so loud the man’s screaming is barely audible. But surely, there are cameras, and a team of bouncers will be closing in any second.
Riordan, dressed in a suit jacket, a silk shirt with a few buttons open, and jeans, stays behind Kieran. My husband shoves the man off the dancefloor and toward a rear door. Riordan takes my hand and yells, “I’ll put her in the car.”